"-and there it is," M'Rella stated as they listened to the hail from the massive vessel that seemed to be center-most in what appeared to be a rag-tag fleet. Shaavi nodded and made sure that she was broadcasting towards the Faith of the Heart in a tight beam transmission. There was no need to alert these ships to the exact position of their vessel. "Captain," she stated for the transmission, "Sensors indicate a collection of vessels, seemingly with no relation in silhouette or design. Technological levels seem to differ as well. For one, we are recieving lots of radio. All telemetry and sensor readings are being forwarded." "I see them," the radio replied, "No deep scans. We don't want to alarm anyone." "There doesn't appear to be any hostilities. Heat signatures appear cold. No signs of shields or charged weapons as we would know them. I'm going to initiate contact." "Confirmed. Stay Friendly you two" Shaavi manipulated the LCARS, opening a new channel, modulating the frequency to match the radio frequencies being transmitted. Given the distances and the slow speed of radio it would take a minute to arrive, then a minute to receive any sort of reply. She then ensured both channels were linked in a manner where if their Captain chose to speak it wouldn't be heard by the vessels in the fleet. She then took a long deep breath and ran her fingers through her shoulder length green hair. She really didn't like the idea of speaking on behalf of her ship. She was the security chief, the tactical officer. She felt more comfortable pummeling people than winning them over. Remember your training. Keep things simple in case they were using a translator. "This is the U.S.S. Yangtze. Lieutenant Shaavi in command. We are a peaceful exploration vessel. We have become lost and are in need of navigational assistance." M'Rella smirked or at least Shaavi suspected that was what she was doing. It was hard to tell on a cat sometimes. "What is it the humans say you are doing? Pulling over and asking for directions?" "Better than flying without any idea where we're going." "Loosen up. It's going to be a slow conversation at this rate. You should relax." "I'd rather be holding a phaser than waiting for someone to reply." "You'll be fine. I'll slow down the approach a bit more. We're practically running down the radio signal to the target." "Oh great. Slow down and make the exchange take longer." "I'm just trying to look non-threatening. It could look like we're stating 'We come in Peace' while moving in for the kill." "Good Point. Nothing to do but wait then." M'Rella and Shaavi stared at the canopy window. To the naked eye the ships in the distance weren't even pinpricks against the vastness of open black.