Lito was prepared for the oncoming fire instantly deploying his arm mounted ballistics shield to absorb some fire while giving him some time to line up a shot with his rail gun. With a few minor adjustments Lito fired off the round, ripping through the shoulder of the lead unit taking the entire arm off the suit and right into one of the plasma projectors. The resulting explosion of shrapnel and plasma took out two of the Battle suits and knocked the rest away from the explosion. Lito didn't waste a breath retracting the shield and pulling up his gun to unload a barrage of shells into the scattered suits. He was able to tear through the one armed suit and another lead suit before they reorganized and started to return fire. Outgunned Lito deployed his shield again and made his way to cover. Once in cover the fire didn't let up. Lito began to think how to proceed, the enemy was closing in and he didn't have many options. After a quick servery of his surroundings Lito knew what he was going to do. He quickly dodged into an abandoned building forcing the enemy troops to follow him. It was dark in the building, but that would work in Lito's favor. After getting a fair bit into the building Lito turned the suit and waited. Another rail gun Round tore through the first suit to enter the dark building and the other two opened fire into the blackness hoping to hit Lito. But this proved useless as Lito had quickly moved after taking his shot. Lights flicked on and the suits began to search the structure splitting up in the process. After a bit of searching one of the suits cot a glimpse of Lito's armor Shield deployed in the back of the building. But before he could call it out Lito ignited his HF blade driving it through the back of the suit killing the pilot instantly. By the time the final suit realized it was alone it was to late Lito had returned to his own suit and readied his weapon unloading a lethal barrage of fire at the lone light source in the building tearing the suit to shreds. After the whole ordeal Lito exited the building rejoining the main fight. "[color=f26522][b]That's Seven suits down. Looks like this old bird still has it.[/b][/color]" He boasted over the comms before making his way back to the tank hopping on so he could focus on unloading on whatever poor sod got in his firing arc