[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/e71lZSs.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Interacting with [@Typical][@Savo][@FalloutJack][/sub][/center] [hr] As Ava had grown to expect of her Merja, she was quick to offer half her livelihood for absolutely free. Ava had rarely if ever met such a nice person in her life so if it wasn’t for Ava’s rumbling stomach, she might have felt severely guilty about stealing that lunch. As she took the food and carelessly stuffed it in into her satchel, she felt like the least she could do was give a heartfelt thanks, but as she moved in for a hug, she found herself being tugged along like a puppy on a leash; quite exciting really. Arriving at their destination after ten long seconds, Ava positioned herself behind her tall friend, pretending to be the shy little sister that she never had. As she extended her head from behind Merja, she surveyed the area of interest, which seemed to be a tree. Beneath the tree sat a bookworm who looked to be chatting it up with a pretty lass, but after debating the matter shortly, she decided that Merja was not dumb enough to be so shocked by a [i]man[/i] talking to a [i]woman[/i], so she looked up. Taking a bite from the apple she had just received, Ava sheepishly peered at the Asian boy who was having a jolly time in his jungle kingdom. And as it seems, the shock factor did originate from the boy as it didn't take long for Merja to ask for guidance, which Ava promptly answered, by not saying anything at all, or rather, someone answered [i]for[/i] her. Alex, as usual, was being as rude as ever, and it was no surprise that the boy in the tree would reciprocate. To be honest, Ava [i]was[/i] surprised at the odd response that Hakuro gave, but as she let it sink in, the reply was actually fairly normal compared the corny cosplay and the fact that he was still in the tree. Try as she might, Ava couldn’t suppress the smirk for very long as she burst out laughing at Hakuro’s remark. It wasn’t even that funny, but this whole situation was just too stupid to take serious. [color=lightgreen]“That’s what you get for being rude to strangers,”[/color] She playfully winked at Alex as she walked towards the tree, waving up to get Hakuro’s attention. [color=lightgreen]“Don’t mind Alex, he’s always like that; but more importantly, show me how to get up there too!”[/color] she positively grinned with excitement.