[@Penguin][@Nyther] [center][h2][color=007236][b]Jet[/b][/color][/h2][/center] "So... Big wings. Big guns. Big house. Compensating for something, buddy?" Angel had said to Jet. He wasn't too perturbed by her words."I have nothing to compensate for, other than the fact I would rather not be a corpse on the ground like I left back there. It's survival of the fittest in the new world, evolve or die." Jet replied. "Also, I like to have a nice place to sleep rather than a shit hole on the streets." He added to his first comment. Jet then stepped out of his wingsuit, pressing a few buttons on the bracelet around his arm. It then flew on its own to his base, still hidden from Angel and Abel. "So let's go in." He said to the two. Jet removed his helmet again, rushing ahead of Angel and putting his hand and eye into the scanners of the door. It opened revealing a large entry room with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and two large circular staircases leading up to a second floor. The surrounding walls were gold and white. "Well come in." He told them.