[@Kassarock],[@Fetzen],[@Atrophy],[@Finris],[@Jarl Coolgruuf], I know I have added a lot with all the changes and additions. If anyone has any questions or needs any help let me know. Don't forget about our [url=https://discordapp.com/channels/589920138195894282/589920139089149967]DISCORD CHANNEL[/url], where we can discuss all matters pertaining to WoF. The discord channel will be very helpful for us, since we have shifted to a d20 with attributes. These will allow for many tabletop mechanics to be utilized, like searching for objects via awareness and things like that. If you are somewhere in the rp and you need a description you can also request this in discord, and I will supply you with the necessary information, but if you'd like you may do an awareness check to see if any additional information can be obtained like hidden items, traps, clues, etc. (A good example would be to roll for awareness in the dungeons if you are incarcerated. I may, or may not, be able to provide you with additional info.) Any inquiry on rolls should be handled in the [color=fff200][b]Discord[/b][/color] as to keep the OOC board chatter down. We can also use the discord for vending and merchants, to display what sort of inventory they have, descriptions of the NPC's that work in various shops, etc., so that you have all the necessary info pre-post. I can be reached nearly any time there so I will try to get you in a timely manner.