[center][hr][hr][img]https://image.ibb.co/hHTZ3p/pro.gif[/img][hr][color=536d78][b]Date:[/b][/color] Monday May 23rd, 2017[hr][/center] [color=ed1c24]*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.[/color] [color=998849]Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~[/color] [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Entering Grimm):[/b][/color] Adelaide looked over towards Robert and shook her head. "Don't think it's the coffee, I ain't ever had enough to do this to my vision," she admitted as they entered the town. The haze was everywhere and people were panicking the streets and running off. This was not good. For once she was glad she grew up in a small town. If this was happening everywhere, people were going to be really fucking things up in big towns like Chicago or Justice. There was also smoke in the town, not thick but looked like it blew in from somewhere else close. And the smell of smoke hung in the air. "Let's just get to the Tinders, maybe they know something," she added as she turned and dodge a family in the street. "Fuck!" she yelled as she kept going, just glad she didn't hit anyone. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House):[/b][/color] Updating next round. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Sub-basement):[/b][/color] Alicia stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Riley wide eyed. [color=82ca9d]"I don't know you so I should trust ya? Wow, never raise kids. Gonna tell them to get in the black van with stranger handing out candy,"[/color] she laughed before she kept on her way. Going over to Priya she took a deep breath. [color=82ca9d]"Fuck it, let me try,"[/color] she said. She tried giving it a good hard kick just below the door knob. the first time, it didn't budge. [color=82ca9d]"Aww hell no, open you fucking dick weed door,"[/color] she yelled as she kicked it again and it slammed open. The door knob on the back side of the door embedding in the cinder block wall of the stair well. [color=82ca9d]"Come on,"[/color] she added as she kept moving and started running up the stairs. They were worn and rickety. [color=82ca9d]Hold a rail, this shit looks like it'll give,"[/color] she yelled as she sprinted up the stairs. The woman's eyes half glazed over as she ran. [color=82ca9d]"Papi, stairs,"[/color] she muttered to herself, hoping she could connect to him again while she was moving. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Main Floor):[/b][/color] Roy looked over towards Cecily and nodded. "Yeah, I ain't getting into any elevator in this fuckin' joint even if I did think they worked," he said. This place was too much. "All this shit, yeah, I'm just picturing getting sawed in half trying to get out of an elevator stuck between floors," he added. With the way things were going, that couldn't have been far from the truth. Hell, this place probably once held a girl that was locked away and tortured by two women for shits and giggles. Okay, maybe not shits and giggles but to knock some sense into her only to knock some sense out of her before she was taken to the end of the universe. Nah, shit like that didn't really happen. Did it? Cecily is able to read the map no problem and locate a stairwell just off to the right a few doors down. Sadly the door is jammed right now. How, not sure. Could be locked, could just be stuck due to age. Ain't opening right now though. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (On Way To Asylum):[/b][/color] Caesar and Keystone will arrive at the asylum this round. The haze is still going strong. Caesar is going to hear in his head Alicia telling him stairs. Inside the Asylum it looks run down like it hasn't been used in years and when they get there they will hear Cecily and Roy - mostly Roy yelling about avoiding the fucking elevator.