[center] [hider=Diego Alvaro (Pops)] [img]https://safebooru.org/images/679/7769ca49caf34a87b0dc4e28da322dccf60cde51.jpg[/img] [b][color=c497af]Name:[/color][/b] Diego Alvaro [b][color=c497af]Nickname:[/color][/b] Pops [b][color=c497af]Age / Date of Birth:[/color][/b] December 26, 1742 (39) [b][color=c497af]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=c497af]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight [b][color=c497af]Class:[/color][/b] Musketeer [b][color=c497af]Stats:[/color][/b] Strength: 11 Willpower: 12 Dexterity: 15 Speed: 13 Toughness: 12 Luck: 2 [b][color=c497af]Skills:[/color][/b] -Explosives -Tracking -Silver tongue -Stealth [b][color=c497af]Equipment:[/color][/b] -Cloak -Dagger -Musket -Binoculars [b][color=c497af]Appearance:[/color][/b] Diego stands at a simple height of 5’9 and has healthy tanned skin. His seemingly all knowing brown eyes always have a glimpse of kindness and his messy black hair is always slightly hidden behind his usual bandana. Dangling from his left ear is a silver coin he seems to always have on him. His clothing consists of a comfy green shirt with a tan leather vest over it, prefering to keep both of them open a bit. Across his chest is a light brown leather belt strap he uses to keep his musket latched onto his back. A few more belts are wrapped around his waist over a dark blue scarf that is also wrapped tightly around his waist. Below is a pair of dark brown pants that have obviously been worn through the years. On his feet are a nice pair of leather boots. [b][color=c497af]Personality:[/color][/b] Diego has always been a carefree soul, never really worrying about the future and going with whatever flow he’s found himself in. Most people would know him to be a calm and friendly person who is near impossible to anger. He’ll laugh and joke, offer an ear for peoples stories and troubles without casting a single bit of judgment towards them, he’ll even offer to help people in their times of need simply because they need it. Though he may always be the friendly carefree type he can also be a stern father figure when younger people get out of line, including his two younger companions Enzio and Rose. Whenever there is a silly dispute, or a childish mistake he’ll lecture the two with a stern tone of disapprovement until they learn their lesson. When it comes to Diego’s temper most people believe it’s non-existent. That is not true though, only a handful of people have ever seen him truly angry. Once those he cares for are harmed in anyway Diego becomes a completely different man, a man that he loathes to become. Once angered he becomes a very determined man who always insures that whatever deed has been committed upon those he cares for is answered with a fair punishment. [b][color=c497af]Biography:[/color][/b] Diego’s past is a very mysterious one, shrouded in secrecy and Diego’s refusal to tell anyone about, even those he considers family. No one truly knows where the man was born, or what he did before picking up his musket. Instead people mostly make their own stories about him from his many exploits through his long, bloody career as a mercenary. From the young age of fourteen Diego fought in whatever war that were hiring men like him. At first he was simply cannon fodder, being thrown into the misfits and acting as a meat shield to distract their enemies. No one ever expected a runt like him to survive, yet he did and even showed great potential on the field as a capable soldier. From there he traveled from war to war, battlefield to battlefield before another chunk of his past is shrouded in mystery, as if he simply disappeared from the face of the earth. When he emerged though Diego had just turned twenty six and had been hired on by a rather shady organization that dealt with many criminal trades. Weapons dealing, assassinations, kidnappings and even had a few strings with some corrupt noblemans, or other political figures. No one knows the type of jobs he did within this criminal group and Diego never budges when people ask, but there is one story that slipped from the cracks from his companion Enzio. From what people have heard was that Enzio had been attacked and kidnapped as a child. As he was being taken away towards the ocean he says that his attackers argued and soon a fight broke out between them. After it was over Enzio’s blindfold was removed and that is where he met a bruised and bloodied Diego that greeted him with a warm smile. From there Diego took Enzio under his wing and escaped, leaving behind his employers and getting as far as he could with his new young companion. With a new companion by his side Diego trained the boy as they traveled from town to town, offering his services to hunt, or guard around the towns him and Enzio stayed in for a while before moving on. Diego tried his hardest to teach the boy how to make it in the real world and soon the two began to work jobs together as Enzio turned sixteen. One job in particular was robbing a rich noble of some valuable cargo, a exotic animal was what they were told. It seemed like a simple job and they even made the perfect plan to steal the cargo without any bloodshed, but as they reached the so called exotic animal they were shocked to find their next companion, Rose. A small girl in rags with fox like ears and a tail. Diego was appalled to see small child half starved, chained and bruised from what could only be months of neglect and abuse. The two rescued the girl, yet they all refuse to say what happened afterwards, only that they soon began to travel together with a small bounty on their head by Diego’s former employers. From then on they were a team, Diego looked after and taught the two the best he could. They lived a poor life, but they did good enough to survive. That is until Diego’s past seemed to catch up to him as they had been attacked by a group of trained strangers. Not knowing what else to do him and his companions were forced to go on the run three months. It seemed like he wouldn’t be able to escape this constant danger, but one day he disappeared for a month only to return with three Letters of Marque for him and his companions. It was unknown how he obtained them, but thanks to it they were able to invade their dangers, for now at least. [/hider] [hider=Enzio Leonzio (Enzio the Bastard)] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/4e1f/i/2012/283/5/1/pirate_england_x_princess_reader__prologue__by_xxtotheskiesxx-d5hddmr.jpg[/img] [b][color=c497af]Name:[/color][/b] Enzio Leonzio [b][color=c497af]Nickname/Alias:[/color][/b] Bastard, or Enzio the Bastard. [b][color=c497af]Age / Date of Birth:[/color][/b] November 4th, 1758 (23) [b][color=c497af]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=c497af]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight. [b][color=c497af]Class:[/color][/b] Myrmidon [b][color=c497af]Stats:[/color][/b] Strength: 14 Willpower: 14 Dexterity: 13 Speed: 10 Toughness: 15 Luck: 0 [b][color=c497af]Skills:[/color][/b] -Combat -Bartering -Smithing -Sailing [b][color=c497af]Equipment:[/color][/b] -Cutlass sword -Parry dagger -Compass -Brass knuckles [b][color=c497af]Appearance:[/color][/b] Enzio is a rather tall man, standing tall at the height of 6’1 with a fair skin tone. His light blonde hair is always a bit shaggy and some times hang over his almost hypnotizing green eyes. A small scar rest under his chin from a fight he got in at a tavern after cheating a bunch of fellow gamblers out of some hard earned money. When it comes to his clothing Enzio decided to fit the part of a Nobles bastard by making sure he always looked good. Over a comfy white shirt Enzio wears a deep red coat with a few golden stitchings and shoulder pads. On his hands he wears a pair of tough leather gloves, always removing them when he’s in the tavern or below deck. Finally below he wears a pair of brown pants and a pair of brown leather boots. [b][color=c497af]Personality:[/color][/b] Enzio is well known for his confidence and cocky nature, always looking to have the spotlight and show off his skills in whatever way he can so he can brag about it later. Most people would describe him as all piss and vinegar, especially when he spends his usual nights in the tavern gambling and drinking. Enzio seems to always find himself in some sort of trouble and ends up getting chewed out by Diego, the only person he truly listens to. He knows he can be a very reckless man, but as a gambler he always thinks it makes things more interesting when adding to the risk. An adventurous spirit rest within Enzio and he’s always ready to explore the world to see new sights, or find new riches. Sailing across the open sea is the only time Enzo truly feels free, all of the world’s troubles seemingly being blown away by the wind. Nothing is more satisfying than the clanking of a full bag coins, even if it comes from a hard days work or stealing them off some poor sap. Money makes the world go round for Enzio, so the more you have the better. [b][color=c497af]Biography:[/color][/b] Enzio, or as he’s now known as Enzio the Bastard. He honestly dislikes that nickname, but he can’t deny it since he is the bastard of a Nobleman from Danesland. Born within a cellar Enzio began his life as a terrible secret of his father. His mother, a maid for the Nobleman's estate was forced away a day after Enzio’s birth and given nothing but the rags on their backs and a stern threat of death if she would ever return. With only his mother to raise him Enzio lived in poverty, never knowing what it was like to have a full stomach or to wear real clothes without holes. His mother, bless her heart, tried her best to take care of him, even going to such length as to selling her body to the local barracks to bring home whatever she could for him. Though even in these conditions the love of his mother was the only thing that brought him comfort. Sadly, that love would soon be torn away from him. At the age of ten his home was attacked by a group of masked intruders. His mother fought fiercely as they tried to take Enzio away, but before he was knocked out he saw his mother being dragged away into another room and silenced for good. When he awoke he was blindfolded and gagged, but he managed to hear his captores arguing, one of them enraged at how they killed his mother and the brutalness of the attack. Soon a fight broke out between his captors until there was yelling and the sound of blades clashing. Once it was over Enzio was freed and was greeted with an exhausted and bloodied Diego who wore a small tired smile. From there Enzio escaped with Diego and traveled with him. He didn’t have much of a choice, where was he to go? His father saw him as a stain on his reputation and his mother… well he just hoped she was given a proper burial. As the years went on traveling with Diego he began to learn how to fight and survive, watching Diego from the sidelines as he took up several different jobs. It took awhile for him to trust his former captor, but soon he began to feel at home with him on the road or on the sea, going from destination to destination with no real goals. He knew little about Diego’s past, but he didn’t care really. As he turned sixteen Diego decided it was time Enzio had his first taste of his line of work and were hired to some piece of precious cargo, an exotic animal apparently. After setting up a plan they managed to stop the carriage and tied up the drivers before looking in the back. To both of their shocks they found a poor girl with fox like ears and a tail in rags, chains latched to her neck and hands as if she was some dangerous animal. It sent shivers when he saw her poorly fed and bruised, but it didn’t seem to faze his partner Diego as he carefully freed the girl and gently wrapped her up in a blanket before he carried her away. For the first time Enzio saw a burning rage within Diego's eyes as he carried her away and refuses to say what happened afterwards. After the rescue of the girl they finally learned her name was Rose. He was unsure of what they would do with her, but Diego knew just what to do as he offered to take care of her. It didn’t surprise Enzio to much and didn’t give any complaints as they brought her along. Though it was clear the two of them didn’t click after a few months of travelling together, the two of them bickering like children any chance they got. It would be like this for the years to come as the three of them traveled together, by road or ship they were always together. They had even managed to make a name for themselves, though sadly it had been discovered he was the bastard child of a Noble so unfortunately he earned the name of Enzio the Bastard. It was a pain at first, but now he simply shrugs it off and moves on. Things seemed to be working out for them until one day they were attacked by a group of strangers, nearly getting the better of the three. Luckily they managed to survive the attack, but Diego seemed more trouble than usual. After that Diego disappeared for a month after telling the two of them to stay on the outskirts of the town they were in until he returned. Enzio demanded an explanation, but Diego refused and left. After a month he returned and told them they were under new management before handing them a few letters. Enzio was curious on how he got the letters, but simply shrugged it off and followed Diego’s lead. Who knows, the pay could be good. [/hider] [hider=Rose Teller (Pup)] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/c0/ce/fec0ce84510513057e56f63d838a78d6.jpg[/img] [b][color=c497af]Name:[/color][/b] Rose Teller [b][color=c497af]Nickname/Alias:[/color][/b] Pup, or Stray. [b][color=c497af]Age / Date of Birth:[/color][/b] June 12, 1761 (20) [b][color=c497af]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=c497af]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=c497af]Class:[/color][/b] Rouge [b][color=c497af]Stats:[/color][/b] Strength: 9 Willpower: 14 Dexterity: 14 Speed: 16 Toughness: 9 Luck: 2 [b][color=c497af]Skills:[/color][/b] -Stealth -Pickpocketing -Parkour -Interrogation [b][color=c497af]Equipment:[/color][/b] -Curved Dagger -Smoke bombs -Lock picks -Cloak [b][color=c497af]Appearance:[/color][/b] Rose has always been on the small side, her height of 5’4 always being poked by Enzio for fun. The small woman has pale white skin, red messy hair she never tries to fix and dull red eyes that are always scanning her surroundings. A long scar runs down her right eye, an injury she earned on the job. Her more obvious features are her fox like ears and tail that make her stick out like a sore thumb. She attempts to accept it by having a few piercings within her fox like ears and even tying up her tail with a black ribbon. She tries her best to hide her ears with a small black cloak she wears, but her tail is what mostly gives it away. Below her short cloak are a pair of baggy pants she finds useful for her line of work. At times she will remain barefoot, even when she is out in public, but whenever she is given a job to do she prefers a pair of light leather boots. [b][color=c497af]Personality:[/color][/b] Rose isn’t the most social of people, always preferring to keep to herself or spend time around Diego. She can hold a conversation once and awhile, but she’ll fall back into her old habits of slinking away, a wary eye always scanning her surroundings.Her guard is always up and she rarely trust anyone other than Diego and Enzio, the only people she truly feels at home with. With her anti-social habits comes along a small frown she always seems to have, making it even harder for people to approach her without thinking she’s about to punch them. Behind her hard to approach personality though lies a kind soul that has been dragged through the mud to many times and is buried under a hardened shell of scars. She still wants to have more friends and to explore the world some more, but she is afraid of it backfiring in her face somehow, leaving her with no one or worse to return to her old painful life. There are a few times where she breaks free from that shell for awhile and that is usually in the taverns after a few drinks. She’ll sing, drink and laugh with everyone else only to have Enzio poke fun at her the next morning as she tries to get over her hangover. [b][color=c497af]Biography:[/color][/b] She hates to admit it, but Rose barely remembers anything about her childhood. There are a few memories such as a small village in the mountains, a few blurry faces she could only call her past family and the roaring flames. After that she says it’s all blurry. From there her memories are filled with pain, horrid pain that still aches through her body to this day. Test tubes, vile potions, injections, screaming, it was hell. Soon she remembers awaking in a cold cell, dressed in rags and her head throbbing in overwhelming pain. That cell would be her home for the next four years where she would undergo several horrible experiments that would twist and bend her DNA, gradually changing her body until she was mutated with animal like features, the ears and tail of a fox. Her appearance wasn’t the only thing to be mutated, but also her senses and reflexes were much quicker for someone her age. The cruel bastards that poked and prodded at her were more than thrilled in her suffering since it meant they were getting the results they wanted. Even if she was their prized lab rat they would mistreat her miserably, letting her go without food for days, beating her with whips and clubs when they deemed her out of line and even testing her endurance with several painful experiments that would go on longer than needed. Rose by this point was a hollow shell, not caring about her life anymore and not minding if death took her from this hell. One day though a strange man in a mask and expensive looking clothing came by her cell and inspected her as if she was some prized horse. With a muffled approval and the flick of his wrist he left, the scientist testing on him more than overjoyed. After a few days or unusual examinations and injections she was taken out of her cell and thrown into the back of a cage being carried by a carriage. She was bought as if she was just some object, not a single glance of sympathy thrown her way as she was taken away. As she rode silently in that cold carriage she hoped wherever she was going would finally give her the blissful death she so desired. It didn’t go that way however as two masked strangers took control of the carriage and came across her. She waited for their ridicule, the usual cruel nature other humans have showed her for her whole life. Yet it never came, Instead she was released from her chained restraints and wrapped in a warm blanket before being carried away by one of the masked strangers. She was unsure if she was safe, but she was too weak to resist. All she could do was hope this wasn’t a trick. Luckily for her it wasn’t and she had finally met Diego and Enzio. When asked what happened afterwards she always tenses up and remains silent, refusing to tell anyone. Within new company Rose traveled with Diego and Enzio, sticking by their side for months as a timid girl before she felt safe to be on her own. Sadly as the three traveled Rose was ridiculed for her ears and tail, being called a freak or an abomination of nature. It always hurt, but she would watch in awe as both Diego and Enzio would step up to defend her. Though she would get in constant fights with Enzio she would always know she could count on him. As for Diego, she will always look up to him as a good soul who saved her from a constant hell that would never end for her. This was truly where she belonged. When Diego disappeared for a month after a near deadly attack Rose showed no worry, unlike Enzio. She wasn’t sure how she knew he’d return, but she simply trusted him to come back. Luckily her trust was well placed as Diego returned with two strange letters that apparently meant they were under new management. She didn’t care though, she was just happy they were all together again. [/hider] [/center]