[center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ClutteredDifficultBustard-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent]As if Stella downing multiple Jello shots in front of him after seeing Santiago wasn't enough, she proceeded to chase after some person who he didn't know. If nothing else, Stella had introduced Oliver to a lot of people. Oliver didn't have a problem with Stella getting drunk. He didn't have a problem about her having unfinished business with dumbass [i]'Diablo'[/i]. Did he really think that that nickname made anyone feel any sort of way besides hateful? Yeah. Probably. He really was that cocky, wasn't he? What Oliver [i]did[/i] have a problem with was whatever Santiago had done to Stella to make her act that way. From what Oliver had both heard and seen, Stella was a sweet girl who didn't deserve to be hurt. The fact that Santiago had done only God knew what made him furious. He was soon pulled out of this train of thought by Stella and the other girl - Mac - having a conversation. [color=FDD800]“So. What’s new with you and your boytoy? Last I checked, when I left for Hollywood in September you were single and well, it looks like you’ve got a date. Gotta say, I’m a little bit jealous.”[/color] Wait. What? Huh? Jealous? Why would she be jealous? Why would she be asking Stella and Oliver what they were? Why didn't Oliver know the answer? [color=gray]"I - we - um..."[/color] The truth was, Oliver didn't know what to say. He had feelings for Stella - that much he did know. He assumed that she felt similarly, but wasn't one-hundred percent sure. They hadn't had the 'are we exclusive' conversation yet because Oliver didn't want to make Stella feel like he was rushing her or anything. Turns out being a gentleman had a way of biting you in the ass. [color=gray]"My name's Oliver, actually,"[/color] he began, the thought of sounding like a major ass very present in the back of his mind. [color=gray]"I'm Stella's... I'm her date. Her very, very honored date."[/color] That was safe enough, right? He didn't sound like a total smart ass, and he didn't manage to put him and Stella in any awkward situation. What Mac or Stella had to say about his reaction, he had no idea.[/indent][/indent][/indent]