Alex joined Andie in the cockpit and let her explain her thoughts. "Hmmmmm... Something is definitely going on here. But what?" He asked rhetorically. "We'd best get to the research base quickly." He added, after pausing for a moment to try and make sense of everything. He headed back out to the snowmobiles where the bodies of the scientists had been loaded onto a sled, with Mother looking after the unconscious one. The pilot's body was trapped in the cockpit and with the strange turn events were starting to take, Alex didn't want to waste time recovering the body. "Okay everyone let's move out, we're headed to Dewitt Research Base." He ordered as he climbed onto his and Andie's snowmobile. The helicopter hadn't crashed too long after leaving the base so it wouldn't be a long journey. None the less, as the convoy raced across the icy landscape. Alex radioed in to command to keep them updated. A few minutes later the cluster of buildings that was Dewitt Research Base came into view on the horizon. "I've got a bad feeling about this." He said to Andie. "Something definitely isn't right."