[quote=@Legend] *Uses the gauntlet and a shell to release my hand and dodges* Edison Decay! *Melts you down with heavy gamma radiation* [/quote] Hawk: *I stand unphased* You really don't understand how this works. *an amaranthine wall forms behind you, and I punch you into it, and it melts around you, leaving your head uncovered* I will always win. You can scour Existence. Even time itself. I will always win, always have. *punches you in the face with enough force to shatter a planet* I am a warrior. *punches you in the face with enough power to destroy a galaxy* I am beyond anything you could dream of. *hits you so hard that the amaranthine around you gives way, and I gtab you by the throat, throwing you upwards* I suppose I owe you a quick death. *launches my spear through your abdomen*