[quote=@TootsiePop] [@Wistful Dreams] lol I suppose youre right. Tho it was hella frustrating for me. I’m usually good at concepts but I went from nightmare monster to fae to crow boy to genie/jinn to wolf boy to dragonborn to time lord/cyborg lol. I almost gave up. And I went on my bed and continued to look at pictures, took a nap, then looked at pictures again and finally found my boy with very little time left to stay up Added: forgot Kitsune was also something I entertained! [/quote] I had to laugh at this, sorry. But I dead set on playing a Cambion and [b]so[/b] glad that no one else has considered it. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ I need to get started on things, it seems. :lol