[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#DDA0DD]Antoinette McCarthy[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/534911e9c644a42e3ffa7186885caacd/tumblr_inline_mqqel5pbAw1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [color=#DDA0DD][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York. [color=#DDA0DD][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Enhanced Intuition[/center][hr][hr] Antoinette sighed and nodded, pleased to hear that the Princess was alright. She rocked herself back and forth, looking away from the newcomers and back to the still form of her friend and the Queen. Both of their chests slowly rose and fell so she knew they were still alive. It was always eerie when Carolina went under like this and projected herself into someone else’s body. It was neat when she would take over but Antoinette always had this irrational fear of it. She managed to pull her eyes away though as Allison’s story reached her ears. Antoinette’s purple eye started to flare and she glanced at October while Allison continued to speak. Beyond her words, Antoinette would sense nothing else amiss. No flashbacks or anything of the like. The mention of people being dead in this other reality who weren’t here, worried Antoinette though. She liked her life here, they were happy and well off here. Allison’s reality sounded the complete opposite and not very welcoming. [color=#DDA0DD]”She speaks the truth. No matter how horrible it sounds. Why though? Why would you want that back? I mean if there are alternate realities, why not just stay here?”[/color]