[@Ozerath]So this came up early on regarding ship classes. Where would you put the Ashtar vessels? While we have an unofficial "headcanon" on relative powerlevels some clarification could help. If we'd face them again would Ashtar cruisers be the equivalent to modern battleships or greater? How large were they? (asking as if they were cruiser sized as their name implies or actually bigger) Second, where would the "Ashtar capital ships" be ranked at? Would hyperdreads be of similar size to them (small moon) or perhaps smaller? Would the capital ships of the Ashtar be still leagues stronger than whatever hyperdreads we are making? Speaking of which what interpretation of "small moon" we should use? My personnal impression is that they were the length of Phobos (~23km) but nowhere close to the same volume. They were gigantic but we aren't talking about Death Stars. Some clarification on this front could of course help.