Noble blinked at Meria's words; his face flushing red before he looked away. He looked at the ground before he closed his eyes, moving to stand up before Rai cleared her throat. "I have something to mention." Rai said loudly, Arks head turning to face her Rider before she narrowed her eyes. [i][b]"Is this really safe."[/b][/i] She asked her Rider before Rai nodded, opening her mouth before the roar echoed around. As the dragon landed, the Secret Children all looked at the Dragon that spoke Human. "Sanctuary." Damien repeated, narrowing his eyes slightly. Orian tensed at the sight of the new dragon, their attention that was originally on Rai had turned to this new beast. [i]"Ah, that is what I could smell."[/i] Ark commented absentmindedly, turning her head to her rider. [i]This is dangerous.[/i] She spoke to Rai directly through their connection. [i]I know, I know.[/i] Rai replied, [i]Someone has to do it and if the other two aren't going to have some balls I might as well do it.[/i] Noble and Comet both looked to the new dragon, Comet standing to move towards her rider, ready to snatch him if anything goes sour. [hr] [b]"You do not need to retell what happened. I remember it."[/b] The large Dragon Rumbled, stepping out of the shadows as his Murky black scales shone in the sunlight. There was silence between the two, The dragon towering over the King and the King feeling nothing but fear. [b]"I need to hunt. But I cannot fly, not with this Injury."[/b] He flexed his wing, a large tattered whole seemed to glisten around it's edge. [b]"Order your men to hunt me food. Or I will eat soldiers."[/b] The king flinched at the threat before he ran off quickly, dropping his crown along the way. It didn't matter at this point, he had to appease this beast.... Footsteps echoed around the larger dragon, his eyes narrowed as he sneered, showing his teeth. [b]"Destiny."[/b] He growled. A tall, slender female watched from the shadows, just out of reach. "Brother." The female spoke softly, "I thought I should see how you are. I heard you were harmed. And since I know Harris wasn't going to see you, I was the only one to do so." A growl echoed from the larger beast, stepping towards his sister before pain struck through his body, causing him to collapse to the ground. [b]"I assume you're here to tell me of my son."[/b] Destiny grinned before she softened her grin to a smile. "He is okay. He has a Dragon, as you already know. He's warring against you." The beast rumbled before he turned his head away, Destiny continued to speak to her brother, stepping closer before she was right beside his snout. [b]"If you're not here to heal me or join my side, I'd advise you to leave."[/b] He said before Destiny gave a laugh. "Oh Volven..." She said before she seemed to gently touched his maw with a hand before she seemed to fade out of sight; revealing she wasn't really there- Only a illusion connection.