Watching the roaming creatures start to move in packs, she couldn't help but feel a bit of apprehension. This was starting to look more and more dangerous. If no one did something soon, these creatures might start trying to get of the zone and maybe even attacking people. Hearing screams further into the quarantined area, Lucina's thoughts of what might happen if they got loose sounded more realistic by the moment. She knew that if they got loose and starting attacking people she couldn't just stand there and watch, but right now she was not going to start fighting these creatures for the hell of it. Stuck in the middle of her thought, she suddenly snapped out of it when she saw this giant monster of a squid approaching her. Stuck in confusion, awe and a bit of fear, Lucina just stared. She could see there was a man on it's back and she wondered how the hell he managed to get there. That was until a tentacle started to look like it was going to hit her and she growled showing off her sharp teeth, while her fur stuck at end. If she had to, she would fight but honestly she didn't want to find out what this creature tasted like. Luckily for her though the man seemed to stop the squid, which just made her more curious. Was he controlling it? Then there was the man in front of her offering her some pathetic excuse for bread. She had no idea why he would even offer her any let alone be riding a giant squid beast. It lit her curiosity though and as soon as she heard about the so called 'scientists' he didn't want to go back to, she felt it strike a chord within her. Lucina put out a paw and pushed back the hand that was holding the bread. She wasn't going to let him know she was human yet, but she also knew he probably needed the food more then she did.