[h2]Prince Erik Reighn - Dawn, Miricia[/h2] Prince Erik watched the young boy, who introduced himself as Nova, show his skill with magic. Truly, he seemed adept, even despite his young age. Erik was hesitant to take a younger boy with him, but since he knew about the mission and had former training, he figured whoever had sent him had done so with the belief that he was capable. Erik wasn't in any position to doubt it, and if they were truly going to Derak and potentially had to engage in fights with winged laguz, then a wind magic wielder would be useful. Erik glanced around his group at the various gathered he would be taking along with him. Between the three laguz and the three beorc accompanying him, they had a good mix of everything they might need on the journey. "Great!" Gregory began as everyone concluded their greetings. "So Albia it is. We can make a stop at Albia City for supplies and to commission a ship. The trip to the coast should be fairly uneventful in our own borders. From there, sailing along our shores would be no problem. After that, well... we'd have to see after that." "We all know Gannon pirates are likely waiting there," Erik commented by crossing his arms. "They're brazen enough to try. We'll worry about that when we get there. For now, I hope you're all ready for the road. It's a week's ride. We head to Albia City."