Setting down the glass be had been dutifully cleaning, the bar tender smiled softly at the stranger, his bright green eyes twinkling with a friendly light. His gaze seemed to cut through the gloom that hung around the stranger's head but showed no indications of concern if he truly had learned of their true nature. The smile didn't reach his eyes, but it crinkled the corners and projected a grandfatherly vibe. "The Wayward Stool can provide anything that your weary heart desires. If you know what you want, all you need to do is ask. I have all manner of drinks and foods for you to enjoy, just ask. If you'd like to avoid alcoholic drinks, I can accommodate. We have many fine teas, coffee, and sweet drinks a-plenty. A glass of juice? Some cold milk perhaps." The man shuffled under the bar for a moment before gently setting down a beautifully menu book in front of the woman. Opening the book revealed a tastefully made list of the many drinks and cocktails available to thirsty travelers. Each turn of the page continued to unveil yet more options, each just as pleasing as the last. Flipping through the pages of the book would reveal that it went on and on, each page fulled with endless delights. Foods, drinks, treats, snacks, and all manner of other edible goodies. "Please, take your time and choose."