[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/9/99/Portrait_MorganF_Heroes.png/revision/latest?cb=20180308064723&format=original[/img] [sub]Fei || Andour City[/sub][/center] A pleasant sigh fell from the young woman's lips as she and her trusted companion hovered over the skies of Andour City. Despite being so high up in the air, the sounds of music and the energy of the people excited for the Festival of Destiny's first day touched her heart, bringing a smile to her lips. This had been one of the days she was assigned to watching over the skies with another individual, one she hadn't crossed paths with yet. Fei didn't really didn't mind though, as flying on her own with Charna was definitely better than looking out for someone else. Only arriving yesterday from her father's cart down south, Fei hadn't been able to explore the city beforehand, her best bets at finding any good vendors was based on the crowd of people and where they happened to cluster. The thought did cross the dark haired girl's mind to swoop down and get a better look, but her body immediately disagreed. If Charna went down there it could possibly startle people...not to mention she might be recognized... Eh, who needs all the interesting vendors on the ground when she basically had to entire sky to herself? Giving her black pegasus a tender pat, both of their hair whipping around int the wind. [color=rosybrown][b]"Hey, Char? Let's try that manuever while we have the time, yeah?"[/b][/color] Fei grinned, wanting to perfect the move they've desperately been trying to get right weeks before festival began. The move itself consisted of two aileron and barrel rolls while Fei herself propelled them even faster with a bit of wind magic. For now they were just trying to get the first part down before they added magic into the mix, and it looked like they were making pretty decent headway, but something about it just wasn't clicking. Earning a quiet neigh in return, Fei nodded with a newfound determination. [color=rosybrown][b]"Alright, have at it n-- Whoa!"[/b][/color] Blinking in surprise as she was suddenly pulled to the left, Fei could only let out an annoyed sigh as Charna began chasing the bird that flew by them, their vibrant colors probably enticing the beast to chase after them. [color=rosybrown][b]"Stop that Char. We can all share the sky toget...her..."[/b][/color] Another jerk sent the girl completely off the pegasus, her grip on the reigns being pulled away as if she wasn't holding onto them in the first place. Fei herself couldn't really comprehend what happened as she closed her eyes from the intense movements out of mostly nowhere. The loss contact from Charna made her open then again, only to see she was tumbling towards the ground below her. Her first instinct was to use magic, but with so many people below, she might hurt someone. Letting out and embarrassed huff mixed in with a nervous sigh, Fei braced herself for either Charna saving her or the impact of falling on top of an innocent stranger. [color=rosybrown][b]"S-Someone? A-Anyone?! Please caTCH MEEEEE!"[/b][/color] She yelled out, waving her arms around as if it would help slow her descent.