Lunise had hoped Nytala's explanation would have more to qualify it, but where her mother ended it left Lunise bewildered. She turned her eyes up to her with an upturned brow and anxious eyes. She glanced forward and back to Nytala's face. The tumult left her grasping for words. "Am I to assume..." she said with an attempt to be slow and considered, "that Meesei would need to be convinced to turn her back on what [i]she[/i] has been working nearly her entire life upon?!" Lunise's breathing quickened. She lifted her hands in frustration and just as quickly clutched them to her legs. "Do not be mistaken, Meesei has expressed to me her admiration for the Psijic Order, but to ask her to all at once abdicate her involvement with her people...her [i]nation[/i]...let alone her family and all else she is close to, for the chance at keeping her soul together [i]after[/i] her life ends is..." Lunise stopped and took a deep breath through her nose. "I should be clear, mother. I perhaps did not make fully apparent Meesei's devotion." Lunise shook her head, her mouth wide open trying to keep herself well worded. "How am I, even as one who loves her, to convince her otherwise?"