PUT ONLY ACCEPTED SHEETS IN THE CS SECTION [center][h3]Grisaille Genesis[/h3][/center] [hider=Credit][i]Grisaille Genesis is heavily inspired by the game “Kingdom” created by Noio and Rawfury games. Knowledge of the game is definitely not a prerequisite but merely an inspiration point. The Gods of Pertovia were partially inspired by the Riyria Chronicles [/i][/hider] This game will focus on several main characters and countless side characters all at the control of the players and your story telling whims -- but what is the game? Well, here is the hook. You are an inhabitant of the island of Pertovia -- I would say island nation, but it hasn’t been a nation for as long as anyone could remember. It’s a large dark land filled with secrets and covered in temperate forests, with many a mossy ruin and ancient dwelling. Long ago any semblence of true civilization was mysteriously struck from existance and what you can only assume was its replacement took precident: The Filth. The Filth is a collective term for all that is wrong with Pertovia. Rings of black stone shuttle strange portals into existance and every night, hordes of strange monsters spill out to collect from the people, bypassing those who learned to wallow in the dust, but breaking down the walls of the brave few attempting to restart civilization. The Filth has been known to kill leaders, smite those with ambition and otherwise keep humanity in the darkness. Over the years many have tried to right this wrong, or to unlock the secrets of the past, but none have been successful. It is rare to find a written work catalogued by one of these heroes of the past, even rarer to find someone who can read them, but oral stories are strong, if not carefully guarded as secrets. Crowns used to denote the leaders of yore, and some say certain crowns have escaped the claws of the Filth. It is rumoured that whoever discovers these crowns and wears at least one on top of their head, the people will flock, and civilization can start anew… however it is also said that other… more terrible things will also flock to these upstarts. Who will be the kings and queens who lead us back into the light? Will it be you? You better hope so, because your character has found a crown on their travels through the woods. Whether you wanted it or not, you are now in possession of one of the most coveted items in Pertovia. Is it magic, does it do anything? No idea, but it is a symbol, a symbol of hope, and a beacon to the weary. It is now your duty to either rebuild civilization and unlock the story of the past, or die trying. This story will focus on your characters going through the drama of setting up a civilization while battling the Filth and studying the past. There will be drama, there will be dives into ancient dungeons, there will be ruins and strange artifacts, there will be seiges, and there will be many a conflict. This is all done through you, the player. While your main character will be the crowned one, you are allowed to use and make any side character you wish, while I play everything else, including the Filth. This is narrative based and collaboration is encouraged. Skies the limit, and if it helps any, your technology level is aesthetically the end of the 11th to early 12th century. OH! Also, rumors have it that the main land is much… much worse off than Pertovia. Start small. While making and using extra (NPC level) characters is encouraged, you will start off with a single main character who is a cut above the rest. For that character, you are required to fill out a character sheet, and in the case of their death or leave from the story, you should fill out a new sheet for your new main character or replacement. Please check out the ‘stats’ hider in the CS before filling out anything else and write whether your character is selfish, altruistic, or some scale in between in their personality section to show that you have read this. [hider=Character Sheet] [center]If you want to use a photo, put it here![/center] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Person McName[/i] [b]Title:[/b] [i]The Example[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Newborn Baby[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Person is a male bipedal hominin with no defining characteristics and is completely broke[/i] [hr] [b]Personality and Background Information:[/b] [i]Person is jealous, easily angered, and is at a cross with his creator. His fury stems from his brief birth for the single purpose of being an example for actual players… etc Please include at least three personality traits to help you characterize your character (I.E Cheerful, Nihilist, Contrarian)[/i] [hider=Stats and Skills(It’s not what you think!)] Six-by-Five tier stats. These stats do not define the personality of the character, nor will they have much room for change. They are simply the base psycho-physical attributes of the character, and will likely not play a large part in the story except in circumstances where we need to compare the character in a dubious situation or otherwise ensure the character is not breaking their mold. Zero is not an option. Write your character’s favorite food in their personality section to show that you have read this. Please note my use of ‘man’ in the following list is due to me not wanting to write out “Woman/Man” or “Person/Human” each time. Points to spend: 15 [center][b][u]Physical[/u][/b][/center] [b]Might:[/b] [i]The output of the body, and how much strength it can deliver. [/i] 1. A child among men 2. A man among men 3. An athlete among men 4. An olympian among men 5. A legend among men [b]Coordination:[/b] [i]The skill of the body, and how reflexive, accurate and precise it is. [/i] 1. Reflexes of a tree 2. Reflexes of a man 3. Reflexes of a cat 4. Reflexes of a mantis 5. Reflexes of a cobra [b]Fortitude:[/b] [i]The input of the body, and how much stress it can withstand.[/i] 1. Skin of paper 2. Skin of skin 3. Skin of leather 4. Skin of bark 5. Skin of stone [center][b][u]Psycho[/u][/b][/center] [b]Intellect:[/b] [i]The power of the mind, and how well it absorbs and recalls information. [/i] 1. The slow 2. The average 3. The quick 4. The smart 5. The scholar [b]Wisdom:[/b][i]The skill of the mind, and how well it applies all forms of knowledge to a solution.[/i] 1. Stumped 2. Straightforward 3. Insightful 4. Wise 5. Sage [b]Willpower:[/b] [i]The truth of the mind, and how much stress it can withstand.[/i] 1. Weak of will 2. Will of will 3. Plenty of will 4. Strong of will 5. Paragon of will [b]Skills and Training:[/b] [i]Before he became an example, Person was actually a fletcher and thus is handy with the bow and arrow as well as with craftsman tools. Who knew?[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=A Travelers Guide to Pertovia] So you want to visit Pertovia, do you? Of course you don’t, you live there! -- but in case you’ve forgotten the key points about the dusky old island, let me remind you… … it isn’t a well kept secret that while most of the land’s inhabitants had given up on building a proper civilization out of fear of the Filth, there is a few smatterings of what may be called ‘cities’ or at least glorified refuges that have historically either held off the Filth adequately enough or rebuilt themselves fast enough to still exist. The three most important to know is the refuge of Illistair -- City of high walls and angry people, Jornorston -- Refuge of questionable religion and a strange lack of Filth (The obvious kind), and Kendles -- The damned town, where life is short but as fulfilling as you may get in these dark times. In case your forgot your manners after you left your mother’s camp, the Pertovians do have a set of dieties that have trickled down through the ages thanks to oral tradition and the rare leaflet. While there may be more, including regional dieties, the most common are The Four: Teid the All: said to be the creator of the world and the other gods and the most contradicted in mythologies -- as some say they were slain by the other gods, others say they rule over the other gods, but most wonder what they did to deserve a world like this. Parrel the Queen or Steward: depending on how you feel about Teid being dead (if anything at all), Parrel is either the Queen or the Steward, patron of health and care. She is said to look after your home and your family -- but the eagle eyed cynic may question this when observing the Filth. Self proclaimed practitioners of medicine often swear by her, and she is said to swear by their concoctions. Ligdon the Wild: Ligdon is a mixed bag, just like the other gods of this pantheon. He is the caretaker of the wilds, as well as the proctor of virtue and other good moral qualities. He is the lord of the brave and right hand of the hunter. According to some, he and he alone is guiding the faithful through these most horrid times; often charms are made in his name to help fend off the filth or protect hidden caches… in some ways his name is a beacon in the dark. However there is a dark side to his coin: it is a resounding myth that during one drunken night after the largest hunt ever commissioned, he had become inebriated with lust and forced himself upon Parrel, bringing us to our last god. Oorick the Hated: Pertovians are rather honest, and this Gods name says all. Oorick is the bastard spawn of Ligdon and Parrel as well as the harbinger of moral corruption and tragedies. Often depicted as a bubbling mass of everything that should never have been born, Oorick is often the target of everyone's hate. As expected, having these four gods as your top of the line administration is rather depressing, but so is Pertovia right now -- I think that is the most important detail to keep in mind right there when visiting -- or rather living there. Let’s cover one final thing regarding Pertovia: Law. There is none… but that doesn’t mean you can just do anything you want! While there is no official law, there are expectations and they are exactly what you think they are. That said, those large enduring settlements may have a thing or two to say if you break one of their expectations, so be mindful of where you are and look for bylaws -- which is a pain since most of you if not all of you can’t read, and hardly any of them are writing. [/hider] [hider=FAQ] Q: Wait, if there are four of us and four crowns, who is the main protagonist and who is the de jure ruler to be? A: All of you are the protagonists and as far as government is concerned, you figure it out. Q:How do we start? A: Well, you recently stumbled across an ancient crown, marking you for death by Filth or renown by creating a civilization and unlocking the past. Take that, run with it and if you get stuck -- there are three others running around with crowns, that’s a talking point. If you are still stuck, well there is always me. Q:What’s the mood of these RP, you’re acting pretty silly in the OP A: It’s a rather serious RP oddly enough, with a lot of underbelly themes and impacting points. That is not to say a little light heartedness or wholesomeness in the face of abyssal darkness isn’t appreciated, but try to keep it reasonable to the theme. Q:Is there magic? A: How about you start digging up the past and figure it out on your own? There is plenty of ancient ruins and structures -- artifacts aplenty. Q:Okay, but can my character use magic? A: Maybe, but definitely not right now. Q: Wait, if reading is rare -- how do you expect us to do any studying about the past? A: You’ll figure it out. Q: Can characters die? A: Yes, but hopefully this won’t be a character death fest. That said, it’s best not to suspend belief so plot smart. Q:So what sort of player are you looking for? A: One willing to write a story for quite some time, put in some good posts and to be interactive with the world around them. There is a lot to uncover and really our story can go anywhere from here. If you are reading this, please put your characters most memorable moment at the bottom of their CS. [/hider]