Felix was broken out of his reminiscing by the arrival of Ruth. A momentary flicker of recognition was all that occurred seeing his sparring partner as Fire Fist. Magna was vicious in a fist fight, especially when in her big form. The cogs in his head were turning at lightspeed, thinking of how to mess with her. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, this is just a minor assignment. I tend to think better when multitasking."[/color] Felix explained, giving a mischievious smirk, [color=ed1c24]"One of my friends told me about this woman who grew to fifty feet, completely shredding her clothes. I was wondering if it was due to a shift in density or possibly using some form of unknown molecule. Of course, he could be lying, I mean a fifty foot naked woman? Sounds like someone's horny dream."[/color] Closing the book on metahumans, he got up to replace it with a book on the history of unarmed fighting in Europe. It was always good to see what the Americans had to say on the subject. [@MsMorningstar]