"Son of a bitch..." Malcolm grumbled as he flipped his phone shut. "Why post the job if you don't need the help..." Malcolm looked around the posted jobs again. The best one was a dishwasher job, which he groaned at. He hated having pruny fingers. He scrolled back up to the top of the page, click on the option to show the licensed trainer jobs. He scrolled through, reading a couple options. Moving help, finding a lost item, watching pokemon for a weekend. Every job there was better paying and a better work environment. Malcolm hovered his cursor over one of the options trainer options. It lingered there for a few minutes as he sat in silence. [color=a0410d] [i]You're gonna be a goddamn pokemon trainer, whether you fuc-[/i][/color] Malcolm slammed his fist on the library desk, causing the few people nearby to jump. He shot his head side to side, before pulling down his hat and muttering a [color=f7941d]"Sorry,"[/color] as he made his way out of the library. [color=f7941d][i]Dishwashing it is...[/i][/color]