Nytala remained rather calm, despite Lunise's anger. It stood to reason that she had plenty of time to prepare for this conversation, so she likely had expected the turn in Lunise's attitude, and already knew how to respond. "It is not a matter of how [i]I[/i] view her, dear, but a reality of how these beings view us. The Hist, the Daedra, even the Aedric spirits do not value our lives in the same way as we do. Her soul was created, knowing she would die the most permanent kind of death. Whether she dies in battle, or in old age surrounded by friends and family, these beings use her knowing that she would never be rewarded with the eternity she worked her life to earn. They do this because they value her task over her existence. So yes, she is viewed as a pawn on a game board, but not by me. By her gods. Right now, Meesei is a Hist-chosen warrior, dedicated and doom-driven towards her eventual task, and inevitable end. I want to give you the chance to change that. It will not be easy nor simple, but you [i]can[/i] do it, Lunise. From one who can see into the future, I can tell you that fate is a lie."