[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [img]https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/16130631/500full-emily-beecham.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Serval Industries, X-Factor Briefing Area Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn looked towards Alannah she was going to answer her friend's question, but everyone else seemed to have already beaten her to it, though she did find it troubling that Rae Gardner didn't answer any of her questions. [color=CD5C5C]"Like the others said, some of these people are really rich, and if they could they all could end up buying a country if they wanted or something."[/color] Evelyn said as she looked over towards Andrew as he started to pool up a holographic map of where the party would most likely be located at, and nodded slightly as she leaned back in the char. She winced slightly when Alannah made the scraping sound with her claws, but didn't do anything really about it as John told her not to do that. [color=CD5C5C]"Andrew could always just simply shrink down and be unseen by them."[/color] Evelyn decided to just tease him a little bit, but she was at least grateful for some of the information that their lovely CEO neglected to mention any details. [color=CD5C5C]"But on another note, does any of you think our new CEO is kind of off, just giving us a security job as our first mission, and not leaving without giving us any kind of proper information?"[/color] Evelyn asked, figuring that maybe they at least had a feeling that it was just off to her as well.