It was darker than she suspected it would be. The trees were huge and their thick foliage blocked out the light that streamed from above, or should have. Luckily, night vision was still a thing, so while she could see it was in a strang manner she was not accustomed to. That and there were blinding clearings at random intervals, but the two hours of walking hadn't had the darkness set in completely. The best news was that no larger insects, animals, or whatever else may exist on this terrible terrible colony planet had appeared. The bad news, it seemed that many things she passed were poisonous to human consumption. Not in the slight hallucinogen way either, in the dead in a matter of excruciating hours way. Luckily she didn't have to worry about the food thing much. AI had noted that while food consumption was still important, her 'battery' would help sustain her without needing to obtain energy the way normal humans did. She was also sure to explain that if the battery ran out that the mechanical parts under her skin would slowly stop working until she couldn't move. Joy! A slight glance, which she found herself doing quite often to the top right of her vision showed the battery level at 98%. Still a ways to go. A quick glance in front of her through the shrubbery and other thick jungle environments showed her... also still a ways to go. "Any updates on the time we are looking at for this ship fragment, AI?" She queried again like she had every ten minutes since leaving the ship. The AI SHOULD be able to pick up SOMETHING before she was suddenly at the charred broken remains of humanities great achievements.