Not All Monsters Do Monstrous things Welcome to Death Falls, a Canadian town surrounded by mountains and lakes with quite the history behind it. With a population of about 30,000 people, Death Falls, at first glance, seems to be a small but nonetheless painfully average town. Upon closer inspection, however, the town's many wonders become evident. The town earns quite a bit of tourism due to the large, famous river that runs into an even larger waterfall along the treeline of the woods - and along with this people come for the history that death falls holds behind it. Centuries ago a battle took place in these woods that ended in the loss of hundreds upon hundreds of lives. The corpses of the deceased had been washed away in the infamous waterfall, making it a literal fall of death. The name Death Falls stems from the town's waterfall, as well as the history that some citizens of the town hold quite a bit of pride in. However, Death Falls is not all it seems at first glance. While it seems to be nothing more than a small town with an alarmingly high crime rate, Death Falls is one of many "supernatural hotspots" in North America, due to the nemeton located among ancient ruins up in the nearby mountains. For hundreds of years Death Falls has been home to this invisible population of supernaturals that most in the town have yet to become aware of, due to the fact that these supernaturals usually masquerade as normal people. It goes without saying that the supernatural presence in Death Falls and the neemton located there had something to do with the infamous battle that took place hundreds of years ago. Centuries ago the public was well aware of the presence of supernatural beings, and hunters of the supernatural weren't nearly as uncommon as they are today. Thousands of innocent lives, both supernaturals and human, were lost throughout Death Falls' history due to the misinformation and prejudices against supernaturals, and to make matters worse it had seemed as though the supernatural population in Death Falls was unable to band together in the time that such a thing was needed the most. The infamous battle Death Falls is known for was the result of an all out war between werewolves, werecoyotes, humans, and plenty of other species. This aspect of the town's history was lost in time, however, and the supernatural population of Death Falls has pushed aside their prejudices and have since learned to live alongside each other in secrecy from those who may wish to harm them. Modern days have seen the coming and going of many different supernatural species in Death Falls, many of which were previously unheard of or thought to be extinct. Most humans in the area still remain unaware of the growing supernatural presence in their town, though there are still those who attempt to keep the supernatural population under control through hunting down those who have committed atrocities - as well as other, more dangerous hunters who wish to rid the world of supernaturals entirely, regardless of the hunter's code that most swear to heed. And with more and more lives being lost in Death Falls as a direct result of supernaturals, more and more of these hunters are beginning to swarm the town.