[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/hgA20qH.png?1[/IMG] [color=gold][i] [sub]Fairy Blue, for you I’d steal the stars[/sub] [sub]And lay them at our feet[/sub] [sub]So we could own the night[/sub] [sub]Black Paper Moon[/sub] [/i][/color][/center] [color=aqua]"Ah. Right. Sorry!"[/color] Umi clapped her hands together and apologized for bleeding all over Cait's countertop. She made sure to clean off any other blood that Umi had accidentally left when she first showed up here. Soon after Cait revealed some quest notices that they could take to earn some loot. [i]Imperious Expedition[/i] sounded like your usual started quest. Explore the world, beat some bosses, easy stuff. Granted the first enemy Umi and the others had to fight was one of those masked weirdos who soundly kicked their butts, but now that they had Serei cards, Umi was much more confident in their battling ability! Sure while the founding members of Black Pentacle might not be the most seasoned adventurers, it was obvious that the Serei had experience under their belts. Umi will be relying for them a lot for guidance, even Touka, as sour as she is. Umi also made a mental note to talk to Kanbaru about Touka. They seem familiar and Umi genuinely wanted to know her Serei better. If they were going to be partners it was only natural that they would learn to get along. In any case Umi took the [i]Imperious Expedition[/i] quest and showed it to the others. [color=aqua]"It seems a bit basic, but this quest sounds right for us! Sounds cool too, not as edgy as the other quest. Of course we should be on our toes too but this time we're healed up and have a taste of what fighting here is like. We'll do great!"[/color] It was around that same time that Touka, as well as Kitten, was absorbed back into their cards. Umi was confused at first since she didn't do anything to call Touka back, but then Umi noticed that the front entrnace of the tavern was glowing, just like the first time they left that strange lobby. Still Umi wasn't worried. She'll get stronger, so she can protect the others and most importantly, find her friend and bring her home. [hr] [center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/K6OLRvd.png[/IMG] [color=brown][i] [sub]These fragments of a dream[/sub] [sub]That you have given me[/sub] [sub]Remains dormant in this unending night.[/sub] [sub]The clustered stars[/sub] [sub]Have lost one of their companions[/sub] [sub]Daybreak's aria is crying out.[/sub] [/i][/color][/center] Kitten glared at Rose while still behind Akiko. However Kitten's attention was turned back to Akiko when she mentioned that she wasn't a Biker. At first she was confused, but after a bit of thought she realized that somehow Akiko knew about her past dealings with a certain hacker. This made Kitten take a few steps back and give Akiko a glare too. Not the same annoyed one she gave Rose, but one with more malice, like a hunter about to pounce on their prey. [color=brown]"Since you already seem to know me, I'll make this very clear: I'm a solo player. I never joined a guild and while I might sometimes work with others I'll never stay loyal to any crew or person. My motives are entirely my own."[/color] As for Akiko's offer to get on her shoulder, Kitten just scoffed and hopped onto the bar counter, sitting with her legs crossed. [color=brown]"I'm only working with you because of that card. If I had a choice I would've ran out of here already. So if you want to get buddy-buddy with me, you're going to have a bad time. Trade me off as soon as possible."[/color] Kitten said bluntly. Her eyes never changed from their predator glare as Kitten was trying to figure out who Akiko was that she knew about Kitten's past, especially during a private moment. Was she a hacker too? Or maybe had powers to read Kitten's mind? Neither was something she liked. And soon Kitten could feel herself feeling strange as her body began to glow and vanish. Kitten wasn't dying, she knew that much, and figured quickly that she was just returning to her card. Before she vanished completely she gave Akiko a few final words of departure. [color=brown]"I can tell when you're lying. I hate liars."[/color] And soon after Kitten vanished back into her card.