[color=ed145b]Danielle Sarah Rose [/color] Danielle sighed. She sat at her vanity, brushing her hair. She was not exactly in a happy mood. Hearing about her fathers' decision really upset her. 'How can he just force me to do this?!'she had thought. She sighed. The princess had closed her eyes and had stopped brushing her hair. She heard a knock at the door. Her brother entered the room. He looked to be no happier than she was about all this. The prince sighed and spoke after a moment. "I wish father had not agreed to such an arrangement for you. You deserve to be happy." He had married for love and he had hoped his sister would be granted the same opportunity. But, that was not to be. Danielle sighed. "Neither do I, Thomas, but circumstances require this. That is what father has said anyway." She frowned as she remembered that. Thomas sighed. "I know." He paused. He hesitated to say anything else. Danielle raised an eyebrow and turned in her seat to face him completely before she spoke. "Thomas, is there anything else you came here to say?" Thomas sighed again. "Your'...-clears throat-... 'fiancée'...is due to arrive here soon. It is suspected that he may choose to arrive by tonight." Danielle took a breath. She tried not to sigh again. She slowly nodded once. "I see." She paused for a moment. "...very well. Thank you for telling me." She turned to resume looking out her bedroom window. She looked at all the stores and houses and such that lined the streets. She wished that she could have had a life like those people.... ordinary, common...free. Sadly, she knew that would never happen. Thomas nodded. "I'll see you at dinner time then." He turned to leave. The last Danielle saw of her brother before he left the room were those silly clothes of his he wore when not attending a party or something.