[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=0080ff]Niah Bautista[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/iQrARFe4PkWt2/giphy.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] New York Sanctum [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] Heightned [s]Listening[/s] Sight [hr][/center] Niah frowned as Dr. Strange talked about the downsides of the stone, but she wasn't entirely certain he seemed to be implying that even without using the stone they risked the same problem. This was very dangerous, and the consequences would be dire. Was that something she was okay with? Would she go through with this plan only because she had already? She had weighed the consequences once before and had left a trail for herself. She heard Bonnie's words of encouragement and nodded, the frown not disappearing. She stepped through the sling ring's gate and into Wakanda. The city had fallen, and it was a dangerous place for them. It was, however, the only source of Vibranium and they needed it to succeed in building the machine. She didn't say anything when Susan gave them direction to be quiet for the invisibility to work. Niah considered reaching out with her senses to make sure no one could sneak up on them. The downside of listening wasn't too bad, she was thankful she wouldn't lose her sense of vision. It was worth it. She focused on her hearing for a few seconds trying to make it the forefront of her senses. Unfortunately, instead of heightening her hearing, it slipped away and now everything was in stark contrast. She had enhanced her vision instead, and couldn't hear. Well, she might as well use her enhanced sight since it was active. It was frustrating that after so long sometimes the power just went wonky. As she cast her gaze around them making sure there were no enemies nearby something caught her attention. A blue streak. Her expression hardened and she drew her ICER. Maybe they hadn't been noticed, but Niah doubted it. If Luminose was here they had been seen. A lot of emotion rolled around in her for a moment. Luminous was the cause of one of her friend's deaths. When she had been taken out of the Raft by Ultron Niah knew the possibility of them running into her was there. It didn't make this reunion any easier. She didn't dare speak, just in case, they had somehow not been spotted. But she mouthed Luminose's name to the group. There was no point trying to point her out, she was too fast for that.