Ethan nodded and followed Gaia to the shed, but stopped when she looked at the sky. Moments later something small with wings crashed into her and it made some incomprehensible but cheerful noises. Then he recognized it. "It's Harriets creature. Guess it likes you." He continued to the shed and opened the door. There were gardening tools, ropes, nets. Nothing he could use for what he had in mind. Unless he'd use a bag with fertilizer, but the groundskeeper wouldn't like that, and he was fairly sure he wouldn't want to be next to a bag of that stuff when it ripped. "There could be some old boxing bags in the attic or the basement," he said, looking back at Gaia. "This place has nothing." [hr] "No, they want a 24/7 commitment. That's why they have agents living at the base." He took a small break to eat some soup. "I used to work with a group of ghost hunters, we'd travel around to sightings and sleep in motels or the vans, always going from one place to the other. We didn't have a lot of money either, there were times I had to play on the street to earn money for food while the others were trying to find a new case we could work. Which is also how I met Mike." He smiled a bit, taking a bite from his bread. "The job itself was fulfilling, but this is definitely an upgrade. I've got a clean bed and free food every day, and some money I can spend on whatever I want. Plus, if you resign you get a decent pay-out." [hr] As Mike was having lunch with Mitch in a four-star restaurant, Stuart Greyhill joined them. "I'm sorry to disturb you," he said, "but mr. Johnson let me know there is an emergency. We need to talk about Succubi." Mitch looked at the man and gestured to an empty chair. "Go ahead. I'm interested in the subject too." Mr. Greyhill looked at Mike and only after an approving nod he sat down. "I know there is one in the agency, but they are predators. Every one of them, but some hide it better than others." He put a tablet on the table. "Here is a record of all the victims we know about." As Mike started swiping through the pictures of the dead people, he realised how many there were. It was quite disturbing, he hadn't realized how dangerous they could be. Mitch looked at the tablet too, only pausing to address the waiter who came to see if the new guest wanted something as well. [hr] Mr. Johnson looked at the text. [u]Just monitor for now. I'm keeping an eye on them through the security system too. When I give the order, activate the device.[/u] He watched them at the shed, Ethan was still too damn familiar with that monster, but it would soon change. He had been shown the massacre demons with similar traits like Gaia were capable of. He was certain Ethan would act when needed. That reminded him of something, Ethan was the kind of guy to help a damsel in distress. If one of the female agents would seemingly be in danger because of Gaia... He picked up the phone. "Miss Lockheart, please come to my office."