It was only until the end of that discussion, did Sara ever start to feel the everlasting peace starting to unravel itself, just by the very contact that Kate was able to give off. She had to assume that because of her words, or her very presence, that the girl was (perhaps finally) able to calm down from the bouts of today. The woman wasn’t aware of the other’s silent admiration for her, and she didn’t really give it much thought, if that were the case. Either in person, or through gossip and rumor, her fellow recruits, and other branches, have shown a mix of admiration and fear, whenever a topic regarding the lieutenant came into the light. The same went for her cousin, who didn’t really pay any kind of mind to these allegations. It was all part of her cover, as to what her purpose was, and to what she was really capable of. As much as she wanted to treat this encounter, as being part of a normal talk, something inside the white-haired woman was telling her to pay very close attention to the brunette. Even though she had accepted the young woman’s request to make sure her head is in a clearing, Sara also felt the need to shield her from further harm, mainly due to its excessive quantity. As to how she could start off on her promise, Sara started by offering to escort the brunette to her quarters for the evening. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The next day, as promised to Jaeger, he was now within the custody of both the captain and the lieutenant, and free from the intimidations and distrusts of the city. The plan was to take him to one of their old bases, further out into the plains. Meanwhile, Erwin will stay behind to pick out the top cadets from the training program, and plan out the initiation for them to become the new faces in the Scout Regiment. First thing the next day, Sara joined in the escorting of Eren, and her cousin’s elite team, into another location within Wall Rose; away from society, in order to test Jaeger's loyalty. Riding upon her own horse, while donning the green cape, sporting the Wings of Freedom, the lieutenant made the effort to stay close between the front of the party and the middle. To be in a wide open space like this, any Abnormal would shake off their own boredom. That was what the extra vigilance amongst the party was for. Whatever Kate had packing in the cart, Sara didn’t want the girl’s invention to slow them down, so she made the independent decision to stay between that said-cart, and the front of the party. Reaching the fortress didn’t take as long and, surprisingly, nobody found signs of any Titan activity during the short trip. As far as she heard, Levi wanted the boy to sleep in the basement. Though she didn't immediately agree, it became reasonable for the wellbeing of their troops. Before anything else, however, Sara didn’t blame the fact that they had to clean the whole structure, both inside and out. She didn’t give him the ‘what for?’, so she was going to follow the chain of command, respect their familial ties, as well as take his likes and dislikes into consideration. She already made her rounds, for the safety of the actual structure, before giving a ‘thumbs-up’ for the squad to begin the procedure: Testing Eren’s power. Hange started the experiments immediately, yet the many tries of getting the boy to transform, has already been taken into failure, evident by the looks of his hands, after a couple of hours. Nobody knew [i]why[/i] he couldn’t get his Titan-form to take shape, and the anxiety amongst the elite subordinates, as they were already starting to debate, whether if this was all for nothing. Standing outside, Sara took this as a mental note, as she observed the group, as well as Eren, who gave occasional grunts of pain, every now and then. [color=00aeef]“Does it still hurt? You’re lucky that Hange has allowed you to take a sit-out, after so many attempts. If I asked for your opinion, why do you think it’s not working, the way it should?”[/color]