The day eventually came to an end in Gallant. The sun set in the East as it always had in Terrenum and the city settled into a mostly peaceful slumber. As one might expect, the city didn't have much in the way of a nightlife. There were only a few sources of light scattered about and many of those were peppered about the main road ways. Torches carried by roaming guards on night shift or the occasional brazier could barely compete with the starlight, much less illuminate the streets. Sometimes one could hear cats or dogs or the shrill, frantic cackling of tiny goblins as they fought with rats over scraps. It being Summer, the days were long and the nights short. The sun began its slow, steady rise from the West and life once again returned to the city. The fresh members of the Shield Brethren had the previous day to settle their affairs and gather their supplies and equipment. It was decided that all would meet at the gates after dawn had finished its artful display and the sky had settled on just the one color; blue. By now it would be understood by all of them that this was to be, ideally, a two-day venture. They had enough money in their purse to purchase food for four days and, with just a bit of haggling, to bed down in one of the few fortified plantations or walled farming communities along the way. Since there weren't many roads to take, the odds of them getting lost were low. Quickly, they would find the weather to be ideal. The sky was slightly cloudy but no sign of rain and there was a cool, salty breeze chasing them from the narrow sea. The road, however, was a different story. The road they followed ran along the South side of the river which leads into Galant. Only days before, heavy rains and quick waters had caused a mudslide which took a large section of the road with it. Already there was a large crew working on rebuilding the road around the damage, however, making their way around this would eat up a significant part of the day. By the time the sun began to set, they would have two options: find a spot to camp out (which was still considered a bit dangerous even in this time of prosperity and growth) or stop and beg the Traveler's Safety at a plantation along their path. Plantations and walled farms often accepted such travelers for the extra coin and stories they brought with them.