Thanks for the fun read and the hard work putting this together, [@Lord Wraith]. I look forward to the next edition. Something I learned from my good friend [@Dervish] is that the two most important things you need as a GM before you start your roleplay are 1) a [b]roadmap[/b] and 2) a [b]reliable group of players[/b]. The story beats of the plot, all the way until the end, should be figured out before you set off. Yes, stories can deviate, but you need something to deviate from in the first place, otherwise it's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed while trying to keep your players interested and engaged. Think of the story you want to tell first, then find people to do it with. [b]Vet your players.[/b] Judge their character sheet, make them submit an excerpt of their writing, possibly even go through their post history to find out how often they drop roleplays and how often they stick to them. Most roleplays die way before they reach the end. Many before they even begin. If you want to see your story through to the end, don't accept people that are known to flunk out. The gods (and [@Jbcool]) know that I flunk out a lot. I wouldn't necessarily accept me because of that. Well, I would, but that's just because I'm that fuckin' good. :sun PS. Yes, I am indeed looking for people to moderate the site's Discord server. PM me if you're interested (either on the site or on Discord).