Shock smirked as she pushed herself from the wall to head towards the tree house. "Can't improve [i]perfection[/i]," she said with a grin, showing off her pointy teeth. Shock readied herself, then made sure to emphasize her talent to put Carmilla back in her place. She made sure this particular range perfectly mimicked a bat to drive the point home. "Not when I can screeee[i]eeeee[/i][b]eeeeeee[/b][i]eeeee[/i]eeeech at different pitches." Wolfman glanced over his shoulder at the sudden high-pitched noise, and this time, that snarl was [i]definitely[/i] aimed at Shock, especially with how his ears flattened to try to drown it out. Shock gave him her sweetest smile before she gestured for the others to follow. "Come on," she said, this comment now aimed at Lillith. "I'm sure lover boy is waiting for you."