[@Guy0fV4lor][@Zeroth] It took Danny a moment to realize that he had caught a Slime. He was surprised by how heavy it was but not so much by how hard it was to hold, they were after all very liquid like. Just as he was about to throw it away from him the Slime started having a seizure of some kind. [color=0076a3][i]"I wonder if it's sick or something, oh well should be easy enough to find out ."[/i][/color] He used [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] and assuming he found out about Jason draining it also used [b]Magic Analysis I[/b] hoping to learn more about mana drain. The weight and struggling of the Slime became too much and Danny had to dump it on the ground as he felt his arms beginning to give out. When the Slime finally stopped moving Danny prepared to climb into the tree hole when he realized the corpse might attract scavengers or something, not wanting to deal with any monsters during the night he lifted the limp body and carried it with him. Once inside before drifting of to sleep he used [b]Plant Analysis I [/b]on the tree from the inside [hider=Current abilities, inventory and evolution-list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Mana Orb I and II[/b] [*] [b] Lesser Force II[/b] [*] [b]Levitation[/b] [*] [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] [*] [b] Meditate I[/b] [*] [b] Mana Shape I[/b] [*] [b] Aqua Sphere I[/b] [*] [b] Magic Analysis I![/b] [*] [b] Mana Dart I[/b] [*] [b]Blunt Resistance I [/b] [*] [b]Focus I[/b] [*] [b]Faster I[/b] [*] [b]Plant Analysis I[/b] [s]Wisp[/s] > (Immature) Poltergeist [/list] Inventory: Source Crystal Shard x1, used [/hider]