Carmilla wasn't trying to put her singing forward to the exclusion of all else, but she did catch herself putting more focus on one than the other as they played. She tried to correct for it, which resulted in overcorrecting, and then she had to correct for [i]that[/i]. Honestly, she wasn't sure which would bother Lock more -- the fading of the synth or the inconsistency between the two -- so she was pretty much just waiting for him to call everything to a halt and chew them all out anyway. Again. Unlike her sister, Lillith didn't think so much about the technical aspects of the singing. It kept her a few steps behind Carmilla in terms of vocal purity, but it freed her up to pay more attention to her instrument without getting distracted or confused. When the music stopped, she pulled out a small file and began working on sharpening her nails. Carver looked at Lock, her mouth shrinking to form a short flat line. "It's not an orchestral xylophone. It doesn't [i]have[/i] a c-sharp," she reminded him dryly. "I also told you this last week." Carmilla crossed her arms, head held high. "And unlike the purple--," she caught herself before saying something that might instantly lose her this opportunity. "Unlike Shock, I'm basically playing two instruments at once. Maybe you could put her on the synth while I'm singing, so that she has more to do and I can focus on my voice."