Beast tamer: [hider=Nicolas] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=lacey] [img][/img] [/hider] Name: Nicolas Clyne NIckname: Nic Age:18 Species:human Familiar: name- Lacey species- werewolf age: same as Nicolas ( Nicolas actually doesn't have to control her most of the time as she took a liking to him they're partners, he only controls her when she losses control Backstory: Nicolas learned that he was a beast tamer when he decided to venture out into the forest at the age of five against his mother and father wishes he remembered this long he would just stay on the edge but the forests beauty entranced him and he found himself deep in the middle of it looking at a skeleton of a long dead monster suddenly he heard a growling behind him it was a wolf pup but it was a big one almost as big as a full grown wolf he stared into its eyes and suddenly began to shift into a girl about his age she seemed to follow him around so he brought her home of course his parents were to exited but he told them about the incident and they seemed to understand.