As Trevor was looking at the surface, noticing a small, golden, glowing thing off in the far distance, his team both detained, and healed the mysterious robed phoenix... as the life seemed to refill their eyes, they shot up, and screamed, as if they had woken up from a particularly bad dream. Once they were calm enough to speak, they said, in a rather feminine voice... [color=92278f]"Y... you're not here to fight me? Wait... no, I remember YOU!"[/color] she then pointed at Trevor, and continued [color=92278f]"You beat me up back on Earth because we stole that artifact!"[/color] after that remark, she tried to fly towards me, but the chains were keeping her from doing that. [color=2e3192]"Please, madam, calm down, we aren't here to finish you off, or anything, though, I would like to ask... where IS that artifact?"[/color] Trevor then replied. Thankfully, this response seemed to actually calm her, a bit, and she even informed the group [color=92278f]"Right... that... well, the thing teleported us to an empty room with a ghost dragon, and that dragon said something about a 'test of strength' and a 'test of will', or something... he then asked to borrow a body, and when we said 'no', I... kind of blacked out. I have some memories of fighting my partner in crime, but... not many, and... once that was over, I just, well, woke up, here, chained to the ground, but oddly unhurt, given what happened before. I... think the ghost is just beyond the door behind me, but... be careful, he's not weak,"[/color] Trevor then nodded, and said [color=2e3192]"Thank you... sorry that he took it, but uh... may I ask what it DOES, now?"[/color] the phoenix woman shook her head, and responded with a simple [color=92278f]"I don't know what it does,"[/color] later adding [color=92278f]"But, apparently, I wasn't 'worthy' of it, somehow,"[/color]