[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=D4ADD5]Priya Khurana[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/liLU3XDvjxfOw/source.gif[/img][hr][b] [color=D4ADD5]Location:[/color][/b] Asylum [b][color=D4ADD5]Skills:[/color][/b]N/A[hr][hr][/center] Priya looked over to Riley and shrugged as if to say “I don’t know what to do about this one either”. For someone recently mummified and found in the cellar of an abandoned asylum, Alicia was more put together than she would have assumed. Priya could have commended the woman if she wasn’t unsure of her. Once they got out of this ever infuriating madhouse, there would be questions and she would be damned if she allowed Alicia to just walk away. A hospital visit is in order to get checked out. Who knows how long she was down there. But she seemed healthy when she kicked the door in, allowing them access to the stairs. Though, judging by their appearance, maybe it wasn’t as safe as she thought. [color=D4ADD5]”No way in hell I am touching those. I’m no germaphobe but I guarantee they haven’t seen water and soap in years.”[/color] She followed Alicia quickly up the stairs, making sure she never left her sight. She figured Riley could keep up so she wasn’t too concerned about her. Her biggest concern was whoever was leaving balloons everywhere because that was who they were chasing. And if they were no longer in the basement, that meant they were coming up to them potentially. Priya kept an eye out, just in case someone decided to get the jump on them. [hider=Roll Request] Character Name: Priya Characters Current Location: Asylum Basement Characters attempted actions: Priya is going to keep an eye out and look at her surroundings for more clues as to who they are chasing. Any and All skills being used: Investigation Why each skill is being called: Priya is using her detective skills to see if she can pick up a lead, or at least find something to help them. Desired Location: Moving upwards now. [/hider]