[b][h3][center]Gods, Men and Everything in Between[/center][/h3][/b] [b][center]The Archive of the Gods[/center][/b] [b][color=blue]ALNAEUS[/color][/b] [i]The First Father, God of Creation[/i] [[b]DECEASED[/b]] [indent]Considered the Creator of the Deities, he is both revered for Creation and sometimes feared or maligned as being the only one truly inescapable of judgment, punishment or retribution. In imagery he is often depicted as an old man with a longing gaze holding a walking stick. All the [b]Known Deities[/b] are considered [b]Children of Alnaeus[/b] and by some extension may thus consider themselves siblings. He is a mostly reserved deity, having little in the way of opinion outside of wishing to see all his children happy and thriving.[/indent] [b][color=gold]ANTAY[/color][/b] | [i]God of the Forge[/i] ([i]Murtox[/i]) [indent]Antay is a calm and meticulous being. His main concerns are those of creation and reason, both of these reasons are Antay's drive to action. However, behind the mask of a serene God, there is a more authoritarian and pro-active being that a face value approach would take many to believe. Among his ethical values, there is little place for wrong or good being those quite superfluous for a being like him. Among other beings of his kind, he seeks order and the establishment of proper conduct between them, else he may get infuriated by less than acceptable displays, for this very reason one must be careful when talking to Antay for his ire is something that may appear out of nowhere. This ire is a strong emotion within Antay, the product of his own pridefulness and wishes to control what he can and leave the rest aside. He doesn't shy away from conflict if the situation arises and may hold grudges against others more often than other beings of his kind unless there is a concerted effort to heal the relationship with him.[/indent] [b][color=crimson]AMELIA[/color][/b] | [i]Goddess of War & the Changing Winds[/i] ([i]jimapple[/i]) [indent]Amelia's one real desire is for war. Her almost single focused and drive are for beings to engage in the most physical and violent aspect of life. Her insatiable appetite for destructive battles is driven by the desire for legendary feats and to flush out heroes that are to be honored and remembered. Interestingly, she likes to live among these created. Seeing their lives up close as they are off the battlefield only fuels her passion to see the dichotomy in their personalities as they become unrecognizable on the battle filed. Amelia normally finds a likely hero that she will live with and she is playful and supportive towards them until she can manipulate a war for them to be a part of. She does not consider herself and others like her gods or goddesses but merely powerful beings. She longs for the day when the war to end all wars will commence and the created and the other powerful beings are embroiled in one glorious war.[/indent] [b][color=pink]ILLIAS[/color][/b] | [i]Goddess of the Sea[/i] ([i]NecroKnight[/i]) [indent]In some ways, those whom would look upon Illias she would see her as the picture of perfection and creation. Her entire appearance is made to invoke purity, peace and harmony. In a way, her personality is that of a caring mother - whom wants to have her children prosper and for her creation to claim their place in her domain of purity and love. As it would happen, she would react in a rather proactive fashion if her children were threatened by war or by false prophets or kings. Granted this has a hidden meaning, as she has moments of obsession - as she sees her Creation as her own and doesn't like to share, nor would she support the idea of her children mingling with those of her enemies or rivals. Even it would mean peace or coexistence. In addition, she sees the worship of her subjects as the just return that she deserves - as a mother has cared, she expects her children to do their duty and honor her mother and her wisdom. Thus, the great weakness is her pride - as she sees anyone in defiance an insult against herself and can deliver petty punishments - while those honoring and respecting her, as deserving personal rewards and gifts.[/indent] [b][color=silver]HUM[/color][/b] | [i]Handler of Souls, God of Life & Death[/i] ([i]Ascendant[/i]) [indent]Hum spends much of his time to himself, regarding the world and trying to determine exactly what it is he desires. Does he wish to see the world burn? To play the greatest cosmic joke in existence? Since his birth, Hum has kept his interests firmly secret. Hum is the [b]Handler of Souls[/b] and is the owner of the Realm of the Dead. Hum has the power to raise the dead back into a form of Undead, keeping them in the realm of the living beyond their natural state, or to resurrect them entirely back in the world of the living. [/indent] [b][color=orange]IRA[/color][/b] | [i]The Weeping God, Goddess of the Flame[/i] ([i]BoopImADragon[/i]) [indent]Ira is a destructive and emotional goddess, passionate and hateful, loving and cruel. She will destroy what displeases her and weep that it has now been destroyed. She is a creature that lives in the now and doesn’t ponder long about the past or future. Her desires aren’t unfathomable or complex, nor does share care for them to be. She is a slave to her temperament and her compassion.[/indent] [b][color=green]DUHYXBIN[/color][/b] [i]Keeper of Knowledge, God of Time[/i] ([i]DX3214[/i]) [indent]Duhyxbin is born out of the need for balance between, chaos and order, knowing all that was before and knowing a few of what will come, as tomorrow is not written and the ink is still not been passed into the book, His curiosity motivates him to understand more and the universe recently birthed and realms that his brothers will make as he is the lord knowledge.[/indent] [b][color=purple]XANAROS[/color][/b] | [i]King in the Waste, God of Destruction[/i] ([i]Schlyerwalker[/i]) [indent]The King in the Waste believes that creation is a divine flaw, an awkward hiccough in the otherwise uninterrupted perfection of NOTHING. Its holy quest is to return existence to this natural state. The Gods, even their great Father, are an accident, an embarrassing -- and temporary -- blemish. It hates noise, and color, and chaos, and harmony. It craves silence and loneliness, and one day, to be the last being in the multiverse, before it extinguishes itself and brings about total, and absolute oblivion. But first, to accomplish this, it must perform the most profane and perverse of actions; creation. A being of self-loathing and nihilism, the King possesses a cruel and mocking sense of humor. It belittles other Gods and mortals alike, it openly speaks in scathing rebuke of our great Father, and laments the creation of the world and the beings upon it. Even its own creations are not above its scorn; far from it. Perhaps the King is even more embarrassed of its own flawed existence, and that of its servants, than even the other Gods', and their own little puppets. Regardless, the King is callous, antagonistic, demeaning, and utterly devoid of empathy when dealing with other beings.[/indent] [color=turquoise][b]ALCADEAS[/b][/color] ([i]Conrad[/i]) [indent]Archangel Alcadeas is regarded as the 'big brother' of other deities, but only metaphorically speaking. Altough he may or may not be the first of the children of Alnaeus, he is viewed as the mature mediator of conflicts between the celestial family of gods. Alcadeas considers himself second only to his father Alnaeus, and whatever his father might order, he will not hesitate to carry out his task. He is also quick to reinforce his opinions and rules over anything, should he wish so. He values a strict code of hierarchy, with his father above anything.[/indent] [b][color=lightblue]SOLUMNA[/color][/b] ([i]Nexerus[/i]) [indent]Solumna is a legendarily solitary deity, thoroughly disinterested in divine politics and contemptuous of many aspects of creation. They are concerned with the cold, with silence, and above all, with order. They dislike war and chaos and creation for the disturbances they make, and they seek for rhythm in creation—if creation is to exist at all. Suspicious (but not hostile) to Alnaeus' decision to create the world, they would have it formed into a winterscape of queer formations of ice and snow, constructed according to their own divine plan, and surrounded and separated by endless, wind-swept tundra. Genderless, their preferred form is of an obelisk of ice, silent and motionless inside the tundra. When they require a humanoid form, they take the shape of a statue of ice, devoid of fine personal details. Less power-hungry than other deities, Solumna ambitions only for silent coldness.[/indent] [b][center]Notable Realms[/center][/b] - [b]The Natural Plane[/b]: Created by [i]The First Father[/i] for a place where his child could exist, the Natural Plane is the glass jar that holds all living things. Sometimes referred to as The Known World, it is filled with oceans and grasslands and natural wonders—-all manufactured by the Gods. Gods that exist in this realm often take on various different forms. Some hang out in the open, while others hide themselves away. - [b]Total Population[/b]: 67 (Thousands) - [b]Sanctuary[/b]: The [i]Realm of the Dead[/i] and the Realm of [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b], Sanctuary is where souls go after their natural bodies fail. It is designed and controlled entirely by [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b], who has attempted to make it into a paradise--a reward for those whom are allotted entry. [b][center]Notable Races[/center][/b] [hider=Humans] - [b]Status[/b]: [b]Blessed +1[/b] ([b][color=turquoise]ALCADEAS[/color][/b]) - [b]Population[/b]: 750 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Modifier[/b]: 1.5 (Thousands) [[b][color=green]High[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Scattered Tribes[/i] (1) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]Agriculture[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [hider=Gnomes] - [b]Population[/b]: 248 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Modifier[/b]: 4 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Scattered Tribes[/i] (1) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]Agriculture[/i]* - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [hider=Arachnids] - [b]Status[/b]: Blessed +1 ([b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b]) - [b]Population[/b]: 105 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Multiplier[/b]: 1.4 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Scattered Tribes[/i] (1) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]Animal Husbandry[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [hider=Aureus] - [b]Status[/b]: None - [b]Population[/b]: 24 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Multiplier[/b]: 6 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Hunter-Gatherers[/i] (0) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]None[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [hider=Elves] - [b]Status[/b]: Blessed +1 [b][color=pink]ILLIAS[/color][/b] - [b]Population[/b]: 4 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Multiplier[/b]: 2 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Scattered Tribes[/i] (1) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]Writing[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [hider=Matak] - [b]Status[/b]: None - [b]Population[/b]: 2 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Multiplier[/b]: 1.1 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Hunter-Gatherers[/i] (0) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]None[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider] [b][center]Notable Civilizations[/center][/b] [hider=City-State of Solas] [b]Founded[/b]: 2,125 F.A. [b]Race[/b]: Humans [b]Population[/b]: 30 [b]Amenities[/b]: [i]None[/i] [/hider] [b][center]Notable Orders[/center][/b] [hider=Order of the Archangel] - [b]Founded[/b]: 2,125 F.A. - [b]Race[/b]: Humans - [b]Deity[/b]: [color=fdc68a][b]TELIOS[/b][/color] - [b]Strength[/b]: 3[/hider] [hider=Stormsingers] - [b]Founded[/b]: 2,391 F.A. - [b]Race[/b]: Elves - [b]Deity[/b]: [b][color=pink]ILLIAS[/color][/b] - [b]Strength[/b]: 3[/hider] [hider=Cult of the Promised End] - [b]Founded[/b]: 2,211 F.A. - [b]Race[/b]: Humans - [b]Deity[/b]: [b][color=purple]XANAROS[/color][/b] - [b]Strength[/b]: 3[/hider] [b][center]Notable Champions[/center][/b] [b][center]Notable Creatures[/center][/b] [hider=Idimmu] [b]Creator[/b]: [b][color=orange]IRA[/color][/b] [b]Size[/b]: Small [b]Population[/b]: 514 (Thousands) [b]Population Modifier[/b]: 1.3 [b]Demeanor[/b]: Aggressive [b]Characteristics[/b]: Short Lived, Prefer Warm Climate [b]Partnership[/b]: Wild; Undomesticated[/hider] [b][center]Notable Artifacts[/center][/b]