Drake's nostrils flared as he turned to face the vampire; jumping from the log with a frown on his face. He stepped forward until he was about a metre away from the Vampire. He flexed his nose; "Do you understand how many vampires have come saying the same thing over the past week?" He rumbled, his voice deep and hiding anger, "I don't very much like the idea of travelling with a Leech- much like you probably wish not to travel with a 'beast' like myself." He held his hand to his chest before he looked to Alistar with narrowed eyes. "Do you have the code?" He asked before falling silent. He was ready for if he didn't know it; as he had done since the damn elders mentioned this stupid mission. A few Vampires have come into his territory and attempt to trick him into thinking they are the one- all of which has ended in dead vampires and a few battlescars.