[color=0072bc][h3]Ardur The Mighty Hipixie[/h3][/color] [color=92278f] A strange Deer > Food? /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Small burrow > just outside the burrow [/color] Their small party still needed some work but seemed to be able to make their own decisions quite well and all seemed to be working well together so far. None of them seemed to be trying to be a glory hog or wanting to get the killing blow. He wondered if the other two non-reborn in their party were being influenced by his and Asaura’s own personalities and willingness to grow and be better. At least that’s what he assumed was Asura’s reasons for sticking around, at least they made a good team. The deer soon collapsed to its front legs from Asura’s strike and helped to be held there by Steve’s web. Mother slime launched an attack at the deer’s head seemingly taking it down again further. It was basically immobilized now and didn’t hold much of a threat. The thought of letting this creature live did cross his mind but this creature was a possible treasure trove of resources and would ultimately make them stronger. Not to mention the tendons could be used to bind the beetle exoskeleton to him as a crude type of armor. A small breeze rustled the brush of the trees behind him and he saw it. A beam of light made its way through the trees and settled precisely on the creature’s neck. It was at this moment he decided that they should kill it but still give something back to those watching them. Taking the hint given to him Ardur positioned himself for his attack and dropped toward the Deer’s neck and the target marked for him. He used [u]Point Strike I[/u] and just like with the lizard the other day he brought his feet together, his heels pointed toward the base of the neck, and bent his knees slightly so he didn’t hurt himself and hoped this strike was enough. "[color=92278f]Point Strike.[/color]" [@Zeroth] [@Kazemitsu] [hider=Ardur's character stats] [b]Level:[/b] 6 [b]Steve Level:[/b] 3 [b]Health:[/b] 100% [b]Mana:[/b] 90% [b]Stamina:[/b] 99% [b]Buffs[/b]: [b]Debuffs[/b]: [b]Inventory:[/b] [b]Clothes:[/b] N/A [b]Weapons:[/b] N/A [b]Current Party:[/b] Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself. [b]Magic/Skills:[/b] Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I, [b]Kills for current level: [/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]