[@Kassarock],[@Finris],[@Atrophy],[@Jarl Coolgruuf],[@Fetzen] Make sure to update your CS's to the accommodate the new additions I've made. [color=fff200]Level[/color] is to be up top along with [color=fff200]Armor[/color], and I've added a ton of skills that you may add to your skill list. You may have more than [color=fff200]5[/color] but not less, and can only distribute the original [color=fff200]20[/color] points. Level is explained in Character creation hider on zero post in OOC, and Armor rating mods are found in the purchasable goods under the Weapons and Armor hider found there as well. [color=fff200]+1[/color] for regular clothes, [color=fff200]+2[/color] for leather and studded leather, [color=fff200]+3[/color] for chainmail, and [color=fff200]+4[/color] for plate. (add a [color=fff200]+1[/color] if you have a cloak that is made of [i][b]durable material[/b][/i] like leather or thick cloth). You can look at Y'vanna's sheet as a reference as to how the sheets should be now with the current updates applied. I will be adding some general encounters and antagonists today and they can be found in the Character Sheets board on the zero post under the Antagonists hider. I have taken a good bit of time yesterday trying to streamline the Zero posts so that they are easy to navigate and as collapsible as possible. I hope that it isn't too difficult to use..