Mindy stared at Gavin, he couldn't possibly have said what he just said. Every traveller she had come across so far had at least one set of spare clothes, in case they got wet or dirty and had something to wear when they would wash or dry their clothes. "There are a lot of stores here, Goldenrod is a big place, you'll be sure to find something that suits your taste. There are some second-hand stores too if money is an issue." Another thing she had learned on her travel that it wasn't easy to earn money, being a trainer often meant following fashion was an unaffordable luxury. At least for those who weren't competitive. Big league trainers and contesters actually earned pretty good money from prizes and sponsors. Then something dawned on her, if Gavin only had one set of clothes, he was probably wearing these for quite a while. Ewww. "How about we go to a store right now, so you can wash what you are wearing. With soap." "Gone?" Michael repeated as he looked around. He hadn't seen the Absol leave. "Do you think he'll come back, or do we have to look for him?" If Lytse was gone he'd search for him, and he knew that when Kim was gone his uncle would let all his Pokémon search for her, but if Merlin was gone he usually shrugged and said he'd be back. Even as part of a team, Merlin was still a solitary Pokémon who went his own way. Especially during the night. Michael didn't know Soul long enough to know if he had a habit of leaving, or if this was reason for concern. Nor did he know if Guardians were even supposed to leave their Legendary masters. [i]"Wow,"[/i] Benny said. [i]"Yvetal."[/i] [i]"Looked like a Noibat, it was hardly an impressing form,"[/i] Merlin added and he spread his wings. [i]"I will go to Andy now, you Pokémon have a good day."[/i] And he was off. Benny watched Merlin leave and then looked at Blubelle, taking a bite from his sandwich. [i]"We'll be heading out soon,"[/i] he said with a mouth filled with bread and honey. [i]"Going to see professor Elm a final time before he goes back home and then to the library to read through old newspapers. Just don't leave Goldenrod without us, Andy plans to tag along for a while."[/i] Mabel was done and raised her face to the sun, closing her eyes with a happy smile on her face. [i]"Sunbathing on a roof,"[/i] she stated. [i]"That is what I would like to do."[/i] [i]"I'd like Mindy to try the Goldenrod gym,"[/i] Blaze said, but chuckled. [i]"Although I don't think that will happen today."[/i] The lapras looked at the two Arcanine who approached them. [i]"I'm Ava,"[/i] she introduced herself with a gentle voice. [i]"And this is Vic."[/i] The Onix grumbled a reply that could be a greeting, but didn't seem to give them much attention. [i]"Don't mind him, he's not very social,"[/i] the Lapras said. [i]"Never needed to be,"[/i] the Onix grumbled. Andy sat at the table in the center with an arm casually over the backrest, slowly sipping from a cup of coffee the Blissey had brought. He'd eat something later, coffee was all he needed now. He watched Bear and Kim eat when Merlin joined him. "Had a good night?" he asked, to which Merlin nodded. "I bet you want to rest now," he continued, taking the Pokéball. After Merlin nodded a second time he returned him to the Pokéball and put it away again.