The shuttle with the Jaslyn and the stranger aboard flew away at a rapid pace, leaving the remaining trio of Jedi behind. Kyle let out a curse as she lifted her free hand up, ordering San to get behind her and Elav. The two more experienced, combat oriented Jedi leading the defense as the Terentatek barreled charge them, snarling and screeching like the crazed demons of dark side creation they were. The battlemaster dashed to her left side, drawing three in her direction. Elav stood his ground as the other three drew nearer. The twi’lek’s eyes shot sideways as he used their surroundings to aid them in combat. As Kyle leapt upwards, she watched a large rock rise off the ground and rocket towards the already injured beast. It impacted powerfully, sending the creature onto its side and sliding across the ground, a shriek following its slide. One less charging foe, though the monstrosity was amazingly still not dead. It tried to get back to its feet, slowly and painfully. As the battlemaster soared above, she floated in the wind like a banshee. Time seemed to pause as she gracefully landed on the other side the beasts bringing her blade down with fury. Her weapon sliced cleanly through the closest Terentatek, the beast letting out a howl as her lightsaber went diagonally through dark side addled flesh. Cleaving it cleanly from shoulder to hip. Both halves slumped to the floor and she swiftly swung her weapon into the beast’s skull, ensuring a definite kill. Then she backstepped, creating ground between the two others which stared at her with a furious hunger. Unaffected by witnessing one of their kind be cut down. They started stepping towards their prey again as Kyla stood her ground, lightsaber raised. [i]One down.[/i] San Anin was left at the back, watching her master and the other knight commence is their ruthless attacks against the beasts that threatened them. Being not particularly good with her lightsaber, the padawan was not eager to push forward into the thick of combat against such a threat, even if her master inspired such bravery with how effortlessly she seemed to bring one down. However, there was one aspect of San Anin that could aid her master effectively, through the use of the Force and the abilities she has trained so hard to understand. A tree trunk lifted itself off the ground as the padawan focused on it before it began to splinter apart through a crushing force. A hail of wooden shards flew above the battlemaster, moving quickly and embedding themselves into the hide of a Terentatek and roar of pain only allowed for the remaining splinters to be sent into the mouth of the beast. The attack was not meant to kill as much as it was meant to impede the beast so that the knight and the master could more easily slay it. San Anin kept her mind clear as best she could to focus on the battle, but the storm continued to distract her and keep her mind on edge. “Master, I do not think we should fight these things in the open!” the padawan called out, unmoving from her spot as she saw one of the beasts begin to circle around the two. San Anin muttered a curse under her breath as she threw her lightsaber in its direction, only knicking its upper arm but gaining its attention. The lightsaber spun around back to the padawan’s hands, gripping the curved blade and readying herself to face down the beast. “San, stay calm. We don’t seem to have a choice. Believe in the Force. We do not die today.” Kyla exclaimed as she kept moving to keep both the monstrosities in her view. Moving more akin to a dancer, the veteran Jedi as quick on her feet as ever. She then slammed her lightsaber forward, through the left eye of the one which San had injured. Then in the blink of an eye brought the blade out the side, leaving behind a fresh corpse to hit the ground. [i]One more left.[/i] Across from her she could see Elav engaging them, grimacing in pain with every physically straining movement. His twin lightsabers lightning up the storm darkened battlefield as he twirled them around fiercely. His body moved and contorted in a stunning display of athleticism and skill in tune with the Force. Elav swung both his blades at the nearest Terentatek, removing the creature’s legs and sending it to the ground alive but crawling. He then shoved his blade through its ugly forehead, putting the Sith created mutation out of its misery. “San, help Elav!” Kyla shouted as she squared down the last beasts hunting her down. Two were after the Twi’lek Jedi knight, while the heavily injured one had gotten back to its feet and limped towards him as well. The battlemaster slashed with her lightsaber, but the Terentatek shifted its body just in time to dodge her swing. Showing its terrifyingly sharp fangs as it continued to lumber towards her. Sith alchemy was a horrific thing indeed. That it had created such monstrosities. Kyla gritted her teeth then made another slash, resulting in a screech and a lost left forearm for the predator coming after her. Still it continued to lunge and swing at her, unflinching in its attacks. A lightsaber flew through the air once more, cutting the hand off of a Terentatek as it swung at Elav. The being let out a roar of pain before the circling lightsaber came back around to slash out its gullet, the large beast falling onto the ground in a matter of moments. This was the act of the padawan, following the command of her master as she rushed forwards to aid the struggling knight. It was only through the force that she was able to use her lightsaber so well in that instance. As she positioned herself close to Elav, she began to use the force to throw rocks at another of the Terentateks, breaking its focus on the twi’lek. San Anin did watch she could to throw rock after rock at the beast, only slowing it down before it was practically on top of her, bearing down with tooth and claw. When the beast attempted to claw at her, she sloppily thrust her lightsaber forward to hit its hand, only making it angrier and attack with less regard of its safety. The padawan fought as defensively as she could before eventually in a moment of pure terror as it prepared to bring the full weight of itself upon her, she dropped her lightsaber and let out a yell filled with anger and fear. San Anin thrust her hands forwards and the Terentatek would have been launched backwards from a powerful force push, which nearly shattered the ground the beast stood upon, but the force did nothing to the lumbering beast. Kyla suddenly came flying in, soaring through the air in a Force addled leap. Dirt had been kicked up behind her as she had dashed across the rough terrain, leaving the beast targeting her behind as soon as he heard San’s terrible scream. The wind whipped furiously around the battlemaster as she reached out with the Force, grasped San’s discarded lightsaber, then brought both blades down on the beast bearing down on her padawan. She practically cleaved the Terentatek clear in half from head to hips, saving her apprentice. As Kyla glanced at San Anin, she heard a terrifying screech come from Elav. She watched as he went down in a heap, blood pouring out from a three pronged gash on his chest. Both his lightsabers rolled across the ground as the Jedi knight went down on his back, coughing up blood as his grevious wounds leaked heavily. The battlemaster’s eyes went wide as she watched her friend go down, and lunged at the Terentatek that attacked Elav. The dark sided fueled mutant was moving in to finish the job, drool dripping from its foul jaws. Its feasting was halted before it had even begun, as Kyla drove both the lightsabers through its back, then pull them upwards. Flesh searing and smoking as she viciously killed the beast, leaving another lightsaber mutilated corpse. The storm swirled above them as Kyla heard another screech. She continued to move, the heavily injured Terentatek closing in on her, gaining ground with every labored step. Claws closing rapidly towards her as she brought her lightsabers upwards with a leaping attack. The battlemaster screamed as they made contact with her gut, sending her blood across the terrain as her weapons hit their mark. They slammed into the monster’s neck, gashed its throat wide open and killed it immediately. As it crumbled to the ground like the others she had slain Kyla dropped San’s lightsaber, groaning loudly in pain. She grasped the wound where the talons had made contact, her glove etched with blood. The gashes especially stung, not just at the point of injury but like it was spreading slowly. She looked forward to the final Terentatek barreled towards her, stomping across the edge of the Rift. Pain surged through her, as she realized how much blood she was starting to lose. Kyla dropped to her knees, her vision began to blur. The Terentatek closing in still evident in her sight. She clenched her own lightsaber, her fingers shaking awfully, trying with all of her strength to push herself to her feet and mount a defense. As the Terenatek closed in on Kyla, the lightsaber that she had dropped sprung forward, the sound of blade coming to life as the sacred weapon of the Jedi impaled the beast. As it reeled in pain and confusion, the padawan was soon upon it, the green glow of her lightsaber right behind the creature. The padawan began to recklessly slice at the Terenatek, cleaving and stabbing her lightsaber into a corpse of a beast. Her normally calm mind was a mess of chaos as she yelled and screamed at the corpse that was hacked to pieces. “San stop! It’s done!” Kyla hollered as she forced herself to her feet, reaching out with a blood stained glove to place a hand on her padawan’s shoulder. Her voice dropped to a more calming tone. “We won. Come back to me, the Force flows through you. Feel the light.” Blood continued to drip from the battlemaster’s wound, staining the terrain. She fell backwards to her knees once more, losing her strength. Her dazed eyes went towards Elav. He was worse than she was, miraculously, she could still see his chest heaving weakly. Signs of life still filled the noble, badly wounded Jedi knight. Above them the storm continued to swarm, polluting the once blue skies. The rift stunk of death and darkness. The padawan stood for a moment, breathing heavily as she stared at the damage she had caused to the corpse in her blind rage. If not for the gentle touch of her master, and the calm of her voice that pushed its way into her senses, she probably would have continued her relentless assault. In that moment though, in that moment of calm her master imposed, San Anin looked back at her wounded master and crouched next to her. She stared at the wound for a moment, her worry coming back to her. “Master, I am sorry! I don’t know what came over me!” She stated, not knowing what else to say in the moment. The padawan buried her head in her hands, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do or why any of this happening. I-I just… I d-don’t. I-“ Words were a lost cause at that point as a light sniffling could be heard from behind her breathing mask. “San, you did good. You saved me. Without your help we’d all be dead. We’ll talk about that incident later. All that matters is we’re alive, and I’m proud of you. Calm down, girl.” Kyla stated calmly, placing her lightsaber on her belt. She pulled in her padawan for a hug, holding the confused girl close. Her other hand patting San on the back gently. “It was an unpredictable, terrible situation. You are still young, the light will guide you. I am here for you. We will figure these things out. But right now I need you with me, things aren’t right on this world. I know you can help me. I know we can make things right. Have faith in yourself and the Force.” She added whilst embracing her brave apprentice. Kyla let go of San, giving one last calming smile and nod. Then she brought her hands to her injury and held them just above the cuts. Her fingers and Kyla palms glowed a calming aura, the Force swirling through her body as she focused the revitalization on herself. The battlemaster closed her eyes as she felt her spirit calm, the daze in her mind and eyes drowning in the embrace of the light. The Force flowed through her, pounding through her veins. She gingerly healed the three gashes until they bleed no more. Her armor and gloves were still stained with blood but the wounds themselves were firmly patched up. Slowly Kyla rose to her feet, regaining her full strength. San Anin’s head continued to hang, despite her master’s words and comfort. Her head towards Elav, getting to her feet and walking over to inspect his wounds. He seemed to be in far worse shape than she could have imagined and she could only blame herself for not being able to help more that she had. The padawan looked over to Kyla, her expression of sadness visible even under her breathing mask and goggles as she attempted to figure out what to do other than pity herself. “Are you able to heal him?” she asked with a depressed voice. “I don’t know. But I’m going to damn well try.” Kyla stated as she darted over to Elav, quickly kneeling beside the fallen Jedi knight. There was still a glimmer of life in his eyes, he coughed loudly, spewing up more blood. The battlemaster raised her hands to his chest, committed to trying to save her friend. To her dismay the three pronged gash looked far too deep for her to revitalize him. Every second it simply leaked more blood. Instead Elav’s hand grasped one of hers, the weakness evident in his grip as he spoke softly. “No, I’m d-done for. Kyla...You have to stop whoever caused this.” Elav said, his words more akin to mumbling through labored breathing. His other hand was placed over his wounds, the man laying in a pool of his own blood. His skin had shifted to a grey, almost blackened tone. “I can save you, let me try Elav! Please.” The veteran Jedi replied, her own voice beginning to weaken with emotion at the sight of her longtime friend in such a pain filled state. “It's no use. Those things weren’t normal, I ca-” Another rough, blood spitting cough interrupted his words. Elav’s entire body shivered from the intense blood loss. He was not long for this world. His voice was more akin to a whisper at this point. “Please. We need you.” Kyla said, her hands beginning to shimmer with the Force once more. Tears welling in her eyes, hands shaking with sadness. Her mind against her own will flashing back to all the friends she’d lost in similar fashion. All of the senseless death. “Kyla...The Order needs you. San Anin needs you.” Elav stated, his eyes drifting to the teenaged padawan. Kyla had shifted her hands to hold her dying friend in her glowing hands. He was too far gone for her to save him, all she could do was ease his passing. “You did good, kid. Listen to Kyla, she might be a hardass but she’s the best damn teacher you’ll have. The Force is w-with you tw-wo.” The twi’lek added as he forced a smile onto his face. Kyla’s powers removing the pain in his final moments. His voice faded as the smile remained. A forever trademark of the positive minded Jedi. “Don’t go, please! Please Elav, no!” Kyla said, desperation evident in her words. Her lips quivered as her hands shook, bringing her dying friend in for a hug. With his free hand Elav reached up to weakly run fingers across Kyla’s face, whipping the tears which had poured from her eyes. Then the hand went limp, the labor filled breathing ceased. He’d become one with the Force.