(OOC: Thats fine! No need to worry.) The heat of the dishwasher was making Malcolm sweat more than he anticipated. He would have to visit the laundromat after this for sure. The job was proving to be more intensive than he imagined, he didn't expect this many dishes would need to be washed so quickly. "Hey temp, trash duty." One of the other employees called out to Malcolm. "And after that, women's bathroom." [color=f7941d][i]This place is a shit show...[/i][/color] But money was money. Malcolm put the dish he was working on in the dishwasher and took the bag. "And try not to hang out in the trash too long. I know there's no place like home, but you got a job to do." The employee snickered as he went back to his duties. Malcolm grumbled some obscenities underneath his breath, but didn't give the employee much more than that. He had heard worse. Malcolm walked out the back door, tossing the bag in the dumpster. He made his way back inside, not looking forward to the rest of his shift.