The door creaked open as it was pounded on, the shadows of the street being struck by the rays of soft, warm light from inside the store. A large hanging jar, filled with moving light; potentially fireflies or something magic, hung from either side of the door. The store was stocked with shelves against the walls, the floor space in the middle of the store was bare, covered by a large navy blue rug. A large counter sat near the end of the room, a pair of doors seeming to lead off to other places. Behind the counter was a large cabinet that hunt open, revealing the shelves inside and on the walls, stocked with different coloured vials or stones. The air of the Magic store was light and full of warmth. A figure sat behind the counter, their head down as they focused on the book in their lap.[hr]Gaia's ears twitched as she heard what sounded like knocking. She had gotten to the Inn, but people looked at her out the windows, and she heard the doorbolts lock in place to keep her from entering. The dragonwoman let out a low grumble as she moved on, she guessed it was time to find the magic place, she'd go hunting in the morning. She walked along quietly, knowing she was getting the glances through the windows.[hr]Blake flexed his hands quietly, trying to see if he could untie his hands himself. He frowned as he couldn't, flexing his wrists a bit more before he sighed, walking into Port Vale, past the Old Church before he saw the Gargoyle leave his spot. "Fuck!" He swore, moving to hold his hands up to cover his mouth, he didn't mean to be so loud.