[center][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] Level 4 - (22/40) EXP Location: Wasteland Battlefield Word Count: 140 [/center] Blazermate's scan was correct. With a few coordinated attacks from some allies to clear the way, Bowser's fireball hit dead center and blew the truck's fuel tank, turning it into flaming scrap. The man, Mr. Grimm, did go down with the ship, or at least, it sort of look liked he did? He did eventually get out of his truck, firing a gun that had... homing bullets? Seeing this, Blazermate started to take cover just as Bowser told her to get down. [color=0072bc]"OK Boss!"[/color] She said, putting her healing gun on Bowser who she figured would probably be hit pretty hard by whatever he was intercepting for her. She didn't see what Grimm had done to Banjo and Kazooie, but she did see them fly back, only mildly injured.