[b]Name and Age:[/b] Ariel Fitzherbert, 21 [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/S2a09t2.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Right now, Ariel's current mood is anger and resentment at getting passed over by the Rider Conglomerate, as well as a certainty that this was because of the strength of her competitor's connections instead of actual ability. This feeling of being 'cheated' also dovetails with her feeling that she was passed over because she was a local of the town, even though that should have been an advantage. Though aware of her talents and clearly not humble, Ariel possesses a strong civic loyalty towards the place she was born in and returned to after long years of international study, loyalty only strengthened by her absence from it. [b]Mundane Skills:[/b] Ariel is experienced in computer programming and cyber-security, able to lead an IT team to secure entire companies' mainframes, design websites, and provide tech support to consumers. Unlike most other people of her professional class, she is also good with a gun and has hunted Feral Pigs along with her father in her youth, and knows how to drive rougher vehicles like tractors and SUVs as well as the sleeker sort of car. She also knows the basics of Art and Architecture, as some of her prospective clients wanted good-looking website art and 3D models of planned buildings. [b]Arcana:[/b] Fool. [B]Persona:[/b] Fortuna [img]https://i.imgur.com/RtpLYL1.jpg[/img] Elemental Strength: Wind. Elemental Weakness: Electricity. [b]Memetic Wild Weapons:[/b] Hunting Rifle, Plasma Saber. [B]Short Bio:[/b] Ariel Fitzherbert was born in Breezeton itself, to loving parents who ran a small restaurant together. Her intelligence was noticed from an early age, leading to isolation from other children from the start, isolation lightened by the presence of her father and frequent hunting trips to eliminate the local meneace of feral pigs. Her father was a shining beacon in her life, and she later regarded him as the most important person in her upbringing. But nevertheless, as she grew up, her skill and experience with computers grew, and it eventually drew the attention of a prestigious NGO that searched for young talent everywhere they can find it. Leaving was hard, especially as it was at sixteen, when people like her should be enjoying life, but Ariel knew the benefits by now. Her parents' restaurant was failing and so was the town, and she knew that whatever happened, she was going to need a way to help it. And so she left for the East Coast, and later Britain and Japan, expanding her horizons at prestigious universities as she learned the pleasures of the educated and professional life. Part of her was glad to finally have peers, to be part of a world that was sophisticated and subtle, intelligent and worldly. News of what was happening in her town reached her, but she began to worry less and less. Then her father died, reminding her of her obligations to home. She returned home for the funeral, during which she saw what was happening to Breezeton firsthand. An increase in drug abuse, less-safe streets, young people fleeing, it was a disaster. At least the Rider Conglomerate was still going strong, with its products even reaching the countries she studied in - Wasn't that a boon? Either way, perhaps she should seek a job in it after she finished her education. And Ariel did just that, but after taking a few job interviews, during which she behaved as professionally as possible, Rider Conglomerate decided to give the job she wanted to another person from out-of-state, Ephraim Thompson. It was then that she actually inquired as to what Rider Conglomerate was doing, which was using automation and new technology not to benefit people, but to reduce jobs and drive [i]out[/i] people she'd known since childhood, with her mother only being safe because Rider had not gotten to her block yet. This town was dying and Rider Conglomerate was clearly profiting from that. She would not take it lying down.