"Brother...?" A tiny voice mumbled as eyelashes fluttered up to reveal chocolate brown eyes. The dark pools were dazed at first but then confusion set in as the young girl sat up, realizing that she was no longer in the city. [i]What....? Where am I?[/i] She wandered, spying the other people in the clearing. Panic began trickling through her as she realized that she was in a clearing with nine other strangers that she did not know. She young girl stood on wobbly legs, fearful gaze trained at the other teenagers. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Zaara blinked her eyes open, the world swimming into view. She tensed upon recognizing that her surroundings were not familiar. She shot to her feet only to stumble slightly as the blood rushed to her head. She blinked for a few moments before looking around, frowning in confusion. [i]Where in the world am I?[/i]